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Big Dave

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Everything posted by Big Dave

  1. I have a friend that see's only black and white. He can see a rabbit in the weeds long before any of the rest of us can. And his night vision is a lot better. The army used to like them because they can see what is hidden by the camofloge.
  2. Yep, but there are no model #s on them . He sells them for 2$ apiece. There on a 28 blank. He has a lot of weird colors that arn't on the color charts.
  3. There is a guy in Cortland that sells Nk stuff at a flea market. He has a bunch of these . He says they are prototypes. Frankenberry? maybe
  4. I had Jeff, Miss-em, make me a set of 7' roller rods. These are a single blank. These rods worked great this last year. My friend was 84 and He reeled in all his own fish during the spring derby. He couldn't do that with the longer heaver rods. The rollers are a single foot so they don't stiffen up the rod at all.
  5. WIND!!!
  6. There have been guys in fall creek by Ithaca high school this week, the warmer days. I couldn't see how they were doing.
  7. Big THANKS!!!! from me. The port of call and the Comic section are a nice addition. Would like the #s for the red can off Niagara river before spring derby time The sol. , longest night and shortest day is 12/ 21 so winter is almost half over.
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