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Everything posted by gokudl3

  1. The traditional way my be harder and for you fly guys/traditional fisherman who thinks its the only way to fish, you are simply crazy and when you call out float fisherman you are being retarded. To think its as easy as chucking it out there you must either have your head up your or just never done it before. Mending the line is very important in float fishing, and as rich said there are many other factors. To hear people call out legal types of fishing when the majority of guys here posting like to smash salmanoids with huge spreads, or use top notch sonar to pull fish of the bottom seems a bit hipocrytical. And i obviously have no bad thoughts about trolling as i love it also and when that season comes to and end i actually get happy because its time to catch winter steelhead, and if your man enough to fight the weather and weekend warriors more power to you wether you fly fish or float fish.
  2. Butthead must be sick of watching people catch five times more than him. This should be in the comic section
  3. 20-40 mile a hour winds are not to fun to fish in
  4. when s dinner
  5. Do you noodle?
  6. Seen this today, What a release that is. http://www.muskyhunter.com/forums/gener ... 14542.html
  7. Great job Chad, and love the new smileys.
  8. I have a boat motor stand with wheels, its similar to a dolly. Its aluminum and im not sure what size motor its rated for but i used it for an old twelve horse and would think it would easily handle more. If anyone is interested i will put pics on.
  9. Hey slimy hooks i was thinking about there not being any browns but we know how many steelhead are up there, i dont think there is that big of a difference between steelhead eggs and browns eggs is there? Saying that i dont fish the genny enough to know. But i would think steelhead eggs should be good too, alot of the guys on the niagara use steelhead eggs.
  10. I use brown eggs almost only. Maybe thats why i have not to much luck at the genny, i dont use salmon eggs. I have been doing pretty well with the fish and all i have had for eggs until this weekend was eggs that were still in the skien, i dont even bother with taking the eggs of the membrane, i just pull of little pieces. I dont prefer skien its just all i had, i wish i had keept some salmon eggs now.
  11. Thanks Chad, i wish i had a better camera. One good thing about the steelies is that the ratio between male and females is crazy, so many female and the fish are so clean, very few scars. Doug
  12. That Camera is nasty! I have seen some of your pictures other places and they are amazing.
  13. I went opening day of gun and it was raining and there where still alot of people!
  14. Here are a few from today and this past weekend. So many steelhead and so few Browns but i guess thats a good problem. Today One from last week, one of the few browns cought. And here is a pic of the Oak so you can appreciate how many people are there.
  15. Happy B-day Musky
  16. Its people like mr.Steelhead that have been a member for about two years and only has fifteen post,LURKER, unless it is to call someone out. Capedium keep up all the fishing and keep the pics coming. Just stay away from my fishing holes you hungry meat eater Doug
  17. Hope your feeling good musky. Doug
  18. Just make sure you take pictures and post it and dont forget the I love NY sticker for your Boat
  19. YO, im so happy you found my best lure. Can i have it back , I wish the Idiot using that would snag himself in the buttocks with that thing.
  20. They must be trying to find out how he is catching so many trout these days..
  21. My wife raked the leaves while i fished all weekend. :shock:
  22. Here was a funny catch, actually we caught about six this size. And a couple more
  23. LOL. What a great picture that is!
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