The traditional way my be harder and for you fly guys/traditional fisherman who thinks its the only way to fish, you are simply crazy and when you call out float fisherman you are being retarded. To think its as easy as chucking it out there you must either have your head up your or just never done it before. Mending the line is very important in float fishing, and as rich said there are many other factors. To hear people call out legal types of fishing when the majority of guys here posting like to smash salmanoids with huge spreads, or use top notch sonar to pull fish of the bottom seems a bit hipocrytical. And i obviously have no bad thoughts about trolling as i love it also and when that season comes to and end i actually get happy because its time to catch winter steelhead, and if your man enough to fight the weather and weekend warriors more power to you wether you fly fish or float fish.