Grab the rod on either side of the fuerell place behind your kness the move your legs out your legs are much stronger than your arms and you get a nice straight pull
Check out Bluff point of view on the north end of Keuka. My wife and I go there every year for 4-5 days of wine tasting and buying. Bluff point of View is very private and romantic place to stay.
Run wire line on your dipsys. No stretch makes the hookset so much easier, also you can feel everything the fish does. This time of year when the fleas are bad expect to be cleaning the wire every 30-45 minutes.
I always bring ginger snaps and ginger ale. When I start feeling a little off I eat a few cookies and drink a ginger ale. Erbyjoe swears by dramamine . Staying busy on the boat always helps.
Out of mexico that time of year is going to be a long run to deep water. By July the thermocline will have set up and the fish will be from 40-140 deep over some depth of water.
Sorry stay far away from the lighthouse. Stayed there 2 years ago and they nearly threw us out for putting our fishing rods and coolers in the room. They dont allow you to bring anything into your room except your clothes. definatly there for the blow boat crowd.
Go west at least to Rochester. The money you save in fuel to reach the fish is worth the extra drive time. I think you get a lot less unfishable days on the west end of the lake