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Everything posted by fishfearme

  1. Been great wokin Erbys fingers to the bone in the shop...LOL just ask him I'm a slave driver! I'm just hopin egg prices go even higher I can get over 2.00 doz wholesale for free range eggs and then who be gettin a new boat ???? Talk to you soon John
  2. Hey Leave the chickens out of it!!!
  3. Erbys on a well deserved vacation in Maine. Ill tell him to post up here when he gets back.
  4. The FLYS are just on time so I would imagine the FLEAS will show on schedule. Spool your reels with 30lb ande that will deter the fleas, the fly take deet 100
  5. I would suggest finding someone to STRIP the line off your reels..........
  6. Ya 2 years ago they were cathing them????
  7. Buy a gull sweep http://www.gullsweep.com/Order.html
  8. Nice fish, I think the third one is a brown. Who are all the incogneto fishermen??
  9. Steady supply and increasing demand, this coupled with any kind of instability in the marketplace will always cause prices to go up. Lets face facts as the worlds population goes up the demand for oil will continue to rise. The supply has already hit the top of the bell curve and we are sliding down the backside of"economicly availble rescource". Any oil we find now will be expensive to extract. Hence higher prices. Unfortunatly prices fluctuate MUCH faster than wages.
  10. I see him every day at work, ill give him the word tommorow.
  11. This is always a interesting subject I vote to sticky it to the top of the forum.
  12. Nice fishing Eric. Im SURE Erbyjoe and myself will be seeing you next year.
  13. Burned valve seats (on the exhaust side) are a sign of very high combustion temps. Check to make sure that your engine is not running to lean or your timing is advanced to far. If you can install a wide band O2 sensor in the exhaust stream to monitor air/fuel ratio.
  14. Its never this windy
  15. Sounds great. Too bad I'm stuck here in Mass.
  16. Bad motor or high resistance in wiring connector leading to motor.
  17. I think you need to reduce the amount of gear in your boat. Can you shift some of the load into your tow vehicle? We used to constantly blow out tires on the thruway until we relized that we had way to much in the boat.
  18. I would check the neutral switch
  19. I learned a long time ago if the weather isn't looking good for the weekend I will cancel out. Spent way to much time standing on the dock watching the waves crash over the breakwall. I also learned to drive the 3 hours further and fish out of Olcott or Niagra early in the year more bigger fish and less blow off time.
  20. I would say they have been tracking your internet usage. as he types this on the work computer
  21. How much do you want for your boat?
  22. Ok ....let me understand this, your going to have live fishing reports....thanks I live 400 damn miles away. I am going to have problems at work with this new feature...LOL
  23. Semper Fi Major Bresnahan Unfortunatly I also served but will be able to receive any veterens benifits. I served in what is known as the "forgotten era" between the end of vietnam era GI bill and the reinstament of the modern era GI bill. I don't rate gi hospital or a gi loan or any other benifit affored to all other veterens. Here is a direcet quote that I will never forget after I was refused a VA loan for my first house "You never served in a time of conflict so you don't deserve any benifits". Direct quote from the VA in 1984. I truely appreciate all who have served, I just hope we all can be treated as equals someday.
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