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Everything posted by daker1979

  1. Let me guess.......was it a cream and maroon...older chris craft........???????
  2. Congrats Steve..Nice slob.........I'm still looking for mine We must be doing something wrong. I hear about all these 2lb'ers getting caught all the time in Sodus and I-bay.....LMAO
  3. I have 4 Adult and 2 children Yoke style ( flat) life jackets..not new.............$135.00 4 new ACR C lights need batteries.................$45.00 http://www.acrartex.com/products/catalog/rescue-lights/c-light-with-c-clip/ Jackets sold pending payment
  4. Depth Raider complete, used and in Excellent condition......................280.00 plus shipping http://www.kelloutdoors.com/Depth%20Raider%20Speed%20and%20Temperature%20Monitor.htm
  5. Good going Jim. See you there soon
  6. I like the ram-109h. Could never seem to get the ball type tight enough
  7. You have your boat in Sodus right.......Go see Rusty at Sew-What on Sentall rd...right next to Great Lakes. Tell him I sent you......you will not find anyone better. His number is 315-573-6047
  8. WTG Dave
  9. Also check out Eskimo shelters, I've had Clams and my eskimo is every bit as good at a lesser price http://www.geteskimo.com/home.asp
  10. I think you need just a very heavy one to stop the swing. Also since you have a big enough boat ( I wouldn't try it in a small row boat) have you tried anchoring mid-ship or set it front and aft so the boat sits with it's side to the wind?
  11. Ira Jones in Williamson NY http://digitalmarinesurveys.com/
  12. Bruce.....There has been a big run on copper thiefs in the city this year.........Do you think they are gonna a get a few bucks at the salvage yard?
  13. any quarantee that everything works???
  14. Remember also, more and more of the charter captains are working without a mate and steering with an auto pilot and don't always see you coming (setting lines, netting fish, etc) I'm not saying it's right or I agree but it's just a fact. If you know who they are or can figure it out on the water( no one ever at the helm) give them some room and avoid a last minute severe course change.
  15. Betcha Steve caught it.................he likes the kinky stuff
  16. Congrats Rod, Justin and Jordon on job well done........
  17. Spend some time reading the posts on tackle and techniques........there is no right way or wrong way. Braid will be a problem on Ontario due to spinyfleas collecting on your line. Kinda like cottonwood seeds only much worse. You'll probably want to use wire on dipseys. Read, read, read......you'll get it. Maybe take out a charter, it may shorten your learning curve
  18. Oak Park Marina and Waypoint restaurant are still open .......315-587-2301. New Owners, they answered when I called.....
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