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Everything posted by daker1979

  1. Looks like a Photoshop job......
  2. Good catch Jeff, It looks like your dad has a tough time deciding who to root for
  3. Dylan Connor, welcome to the LOU Nice job Christine............... Paul's buy'in the
  4. What OTL said plus You'll also find you'll have to adjust for whats behind them lighter for spoons, heavier for dodger/spinny and fly and also for SPEED. If your losing fish but not the rig you might be too light.... trial and error...you'll get a feel for it after awhile
  5. Tim just did some checking...... Either run the thinner line in the inside.....or run the same line on each side....that way they run the same. Also.....our experience is run the outside 20ft or more than the inside........not good to run the inside(deeper) longer than the outside, because they will come up on turns. we can get a 1- 1.5 setting on the inside and 3- setting on the outside
  6. Tim, I would do the opposite imho. Run your deeper wires, inside.......reason being, your heavier(thicker) wire might have a tendency to run up higher on turns while your thinner wires are digging deeper. Your buying new wire if they tangle. Most guys run all they same kind of wire on the 4 so they react the same.
  7. Tell Ira I sent you: http://www.digitalmarinesurveys.com/index.html He is located less than 15 min from Sodus Bay
  8. Thanks Jim, I'll let you know how we do!!
  9. I'm looking to take an old friend who has a camp on Owasco fishing for something. I thought my best % for a catch might be smallies. But if anyone has some ideas for something I'm listening. Walleyes, perch, lakers......maybe a hint to eastside/westside for a starting spot. It looks like the bigger points are on the eastside Thanks for the help
  10. A buddy lost his DR probe..... oops........ I'm looking on-line for a replacement, anyone know who has the best price...... the places I've seen so far are 189.99
  11. First one is a great shot, Nick
  12. Sorry, but it's not fair to put it on the observer , THE CAPTAIN and his team should know the rules and he signed the the score sheet. Hey I feel bad for Trout-one Team.... they had a great box but they're the ones ultimately responsible. Congrats to Trout-one for their win on the Little Salmon Challenge.....
  13. Go Ahead run those mono- dipseys. Another tool in the arsenal, we run them in the spring and later for browns when their shallow 50ft -+ and steelies when their higher in the water column. This year as not been the greatest for mono's other than spring but other years!!!!!!!
  14. Anyone doing any smallies? Since the SMB is so bad on the Big O around Rochester.... thought I might try some of the Fingers.......
  15. That was easy: http://www.slidediver.com/
  16. WTG Scott.....that's a nice smallie......... Were many walleyes getting caught?
  17. Just add some lighter test leader to your salmon rods.........
  18. Nick, the reason the Pro-am's are interesting is because of the point system.... It is a TROUT and SALMON TOURNAMENT.......NOT a big fish derby...... So therefore there are decisions to make, making it more of a thinking man's game rather than just luck. There are enough big fish derbies on the lake to enter over the entire lake. Our team didn't do well in the Orleans Pro- am but we salvaged it somewhat by entering a big brown in the Olcott weekly derby for some nice cash......So you can do both... BTW..... most of the top teams targeted cohos and rainbows to get their boxes as the big salmon were very far and few between
  19. nice, what did it weigh?
  20. Now that the LOC, & Scotty are over, How many of you fished over the border? How many of those that fished over the border were requested to produce the I-68?
  21. Thanks for the report Capt. Bob..... How did you do?
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