Arrived at the launch @ 6:45am to meet Landshark who was going to be there at 7. Stood around talking to other fishermen at the dock while waiting. In the distance I saw a boat putt putt putting toward the dock. When it was 20 yds. away I realized it was Landshark and it was 7:10. He said he got there early and wanted to go ahead and launch & make a few casts. When he tried to fire up the main motor to come back to the dock it wouldn't start so he had to come in on the kicker. We weren't gonna let that deter us from going out, so I went aboard and we headed out on the kicker. For those of you who troll regularly you can appreciate us sitting there with the putt putt going & how long it took us to go a mile and a half to the "hotspot". Visions of hammering the eyes during the early morning light were slowly diminishing. LS tried to start the main motor numerous times and I even offered up my limited knowledge of 2-strokes and possible solutions. Well to make a long story short, we trolled for 4 hours till LS took a look on the floor and saw his kill switch cord laying there. :shock: We decided the fish weren't gonna bite till later so we decided to leave. We were pulling in rods when LS realized he had a fish on. It ended up that was the only fish of the day for us.
Trolled east & west with stickbaits off the church boards in about 35 fow. Maybe next time will be better. It was a blast being out on the water on such a nice day and Mike and I had quite a few laughs talking about this site and the great members we each have met thru it. I promised not to break them on him too bad when we got back, and he promised to let me on his boat again. :D Thanks Mike, it was a great day.
PS: I got a pic of Landshark's walleye, but can't download & post it till I get my computer back from the fix-it shop on Fri.