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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Thanks skipper, I gotta start planning the revenge.
  2. The way I see it, I got 2 options. 1. Never go on vacation again. 2. Ask Blue Eye to lock out Ray K's privliges till I get back. Nah, he'd still find a way to torture me.
  3. Just 2 words, IMAGONNAKill Ya.
  4. Careful Gill-T, she's a he.
  5. Welcome to the site jbait. Comments for and against a thread are always welcome. That's how we all learn and make our own decisions. Glad you jumped in this time and hope you will again.
  6. Post a pic of it and someone might be able to help.
  7. Well, how'd you do up to the River?
  8. Check out the "Fish Boil" thread I just posted in the "Recipe" section. It's not my recipe, but it's great!!!
  9. I copied this from Clayton Diskerud on the GLA site. I'm sure he won't mind posting it here. It's excellent & an easy way to prepare lake trout. "I've done fish boils for groups from 4 to 40 and must say that I can't give you specific quantities. It seems to come out fine each time, so I doubt that it is important to be precise. Last month when we had four couples over for fish boil I used two lake trout. I steaked them in sizes varying from about an inch (toward head of fish) to 2+ inches (toward the tail). The red potatoes I counted out at 1.5 per person, so there were 15 in the pot. For medium sized onions it's your call. I used about 10, but did cut some in half. I use regular table salt. I do think it is important to use a full cup in the first boil (with potatoes) and another cup when the fish and onion are added for the 2nd boil. I don't know the capacity of my fish-boil kettle, but it must be close to two gallons. I use enough water to cover the fish in the insert basket. Also, if you don't want to pour off the oil and residue that floats to the top, simply use a large serving spoon and skim it off. You certainly don't need to use the flashy burn-off show the restaurateurs employ. Clayton Diskerud"
  10. Hey iceman6409, it might help to say what port you would like to launch out of when looking for a partner. With the price of gas I imagine you won't have any trouble getting someone to jump onboard. Also, guys that are looking to get onboard will be looking at the "Open Seats/Trade a Trip" section so feel free to post your request there also. We're looking forward to the reports, good or bad, & also pics. Good luck on the water this year.
  11. OK guys, this is a selling section. Let's just get down to business and get this boat sold without a pi$$in match. Thanks
  12. Welcome to the site YodaMage & welcome back to the lake. Hope to see some reports & pics when you get a chance. Good luck on the water this year.
  13. I was just reading a paper by NYSDEC and thought I'd post this exerpt for those interested. I found it interesting and informative. Being able to identify our fish and practice catch & release for the juveniles is paramount to maintaining the prime fishery we have. "Identifying Juvenile Atlantic Salmon Juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout are very similar in appearance. Anglers are urged to learn the differences between these two species. Atlantic salmon caught in New York streams must be 15" to keep - please release any you catch, but call ESF to report any identified. Atlantic salmon rarely have three spots (usually two) on the operculum (cheek) while brown often have three or more. The tail of the salmon is more forked than brown trout. The adipose fin of salmon is not tinged with orange as is brown trout. The red spots are usually found on the lateral line on salmon, but are dispersed on trout."
  14. Done.
  15. Excellent!!! Atta way to go.
  16. Apparently you've been fishing with Ray K.
  17. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishin ... .php?t=912
  18. Great report Rich. Nice pics too. I'm really glad they caught the fish they did. I'm sure Johnny had a part in that.
  19. Verona Beach State Park. Not too far from Marion Manor where you can launch the boat.
  20. Yeah Tom, he sent me a phone pic of the king on my cell first thing in the morning. He didn't answer my phone call when I called him back. I think it was one he keeps in the freezer for pictures.
  21. I don't know if you found one yet, but be advised there are a couple of them for sale at the GLA site. Good luck.
  22. I wish I could have seen the look on the face of the 10 year old. It must have been priceless. Congratulations on such a nice trip. That is one nice fish.
  23. PM sent.
  24. Just thought I'd throw this out there in case anyone has parts they want to get rid of. I need: 1 2-Battery Perko Switch 1 Male End Plug 2 Female Single or double Receptacles also, not electrical, but need 3 terminal ends for my riggers. If you have anything above I'd really appreciate a PM. Thanks, Bob
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