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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Well, you can't blame them. We're slowly losing all our manufacturing in this country. It the rate it's going, we're gonna be as dependent on all overseas manufacturing as we are on the oil producing scum that's ripping us off. This country was among the top manufacturing and farming countries till we started allowing cheap spin-offs with low import taxes. It's about time our politicians wised up and started charging taxes accordingly for imports. Furthermore, what ever happened to making a buck based on volume sales. McDonalds did it and look how they did. If more companies did that instead of trying to make the high buck on everything they'd sell a lot more and everyone would be happy. Would you like a McLure with that order?
  2. I think it's kinda ridiculous to charge admission to buy their wares. The vendors pay enough to set up. Yeah, you might find some deals on tackle & stuff but add in the admission charge and the deal isn't a deal anymore.
  3. mrgman, try jigs right under the 1000 islands bridge. They knock the b***s off them every year.
  4. I'll vouch for that. :)
  5. Tom, I agree fully. Always know where ALL your food is coming from and it is worry free. Lookin forward to SPRING.
  6. Very good info on batteries: http://www.ccis.com/home/mnemeth/12volt/12volt.htm
  7. Only in the back.
  8. umm, does he drive past Yorkville, NY on his way to visit you?
  9. At the NYS Fairgrounds Jan. 25, 26, & 27 2008 Fishing, Hunting, & Boating Equip. $9.00 Admission www.northeasternsportshow.com Too expensive for me to go window shopping but thought you guys might be interested.
  10. Oh oh, Skein-unition!!!
  11. I don't know Mick. I only know it has to do with imported seafood.
  12. I wonder what they're serving at Red Lobster.
  13. http://www.wsbtv.com/video/14517379/index.html?taf=atl
  14. Yeah, I agree with Fishstix.
  15. Mick, go outside, count to 10 and breath deeply. Spring will be here soon, don't worry.
  16. Hahahahahaha Good one stinger. I take as much enjoyment out of reading the comments here as I do making and serving it to my guests. Thank you all for the kind remarks. I'm glad you enjoy it. I posted it on another site and one of the fellas is making it as a fund raiser for his local church dinner tomorrow. I never thought it would be such a hit with everyone. I wonder if guys will be giving away their salmon this year. I'll take all I can get.
  17. Not to worry, I've been using diet heavy cream. :shock:
  18. It should be named "Tonight's the night"
  19. I agree with Billy, forget the crimps, not needed.
  20. Hey Misty, it's about time. Welcome & jump right in, the water's f-f-f-f-fine.
  21. Well, I guess the secret's out. Lots of good replies so it must be a keeper.
  22. Geez lawle, that's kinda harsh. So what if it wasn't his own rod. When my friends go out with me on my boat, even first timers, using my gear, the fish they catch are still their own. We take turns on who gets the first strike, then it goes in order on who gets the next one. I can't take any credit for the guys using my stuff when they catch a fish. It's their fish and kudos to their ability to land it. Heck, let's go fishin and enjoy whatever we catch.
  23. BWAHAHAHAA Excellent!
  24. Good one Stix. I could have used that BS filter this past Fall in Oswego.
  25. Thanks Jolly II, pics would be great if you can. I'm interested to see how it goes.
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