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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Welcome to the site HLS. I own a 16 footer & used to fish Lake O with it till I got a 22'. The 16 can be used, but it is very weather dependent.. I wouldn't attempt the lake with more then 1-2 footers. Be safe and have fun.
  2. Definately the nuke plant in Oswego. We saw it all day long yesterday.
  3. A 22 year old galley slave named Bambi? :shock:
  4. Call Okuma at 1-800-466-5862. I believe they have a drag kit that you can fix the drags with, or you can ship them back to Okuma to be fixed. Let us know how you made out.
  5. I run 2 Okuma Convector 30DLX on my riggers and haven't had a bit of a problem with them for 3 years. The drags are great, no creep at all, and hold up fighting fish. I was told at the time to stay away from the Magdas and I'm glad I did.
  6. Try J-B Weld. It's good stuff.
  7. I'm trying to get up on Sunday AM. I'll keep the radio on 68.
  8. I agree with Pat. Let us all know the outcome.
  9. Great pics. Looks like the kids were enjoying the time on the water.
  10. I may be wrong, but I believe it's the person who is holding the rod at the time the fish is netted that is considered the one who caught the fish. I'd like to see what everyone else's' opinion is on this too.
  11. That's cause they didn't have someone else to crank in that 500' + after the run, of copper.
  12. Hey Fishstix, I had the same problem with mine. Try uninstalling your software and reinstalling it again.
  13. Hey Bill, great report. Just keep hammering them till they give up. It's not every day you can get a box full. Some days it's just nice to be on the water and enjoy the ride. Welcome to the site.
  14. Come on in, the water's f-f-f-fine.
  15. This was filmed in Gates Mills, Ohio by a bunch of guys filming themselves poaching steelhead in a small creek. They ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Apparently the Ohio DNR is aware of the video and is investigating.
  16. Glad to hear you got some fish too. We ought to have LOU tatoo'ed across our foreheads. There's a lot of guys on this site that you pass and don't even realize who they are till afterwards you read on some threads that they were fishing right next to you. Hope to meet you in person sometime.
  17. A great day on the water with my nephew (Paul Diskin) and great nephews (Bryan & Evan Diskin) ended with many memories of their first trip on Lake Ontario.
  18. I saw a bunch of boats east of the nuke plant and a bigger bunch west of it. That was the most I've seen all year. A lot of guys were reporting the best catch all year.
  19. Hey unkeljim, I"ll be in Lodi at a bluegrass festival this weekend. If you're in the area, stop in and enjoy some good ol music.
  20. Hey stoney, mine is mostly white & I didn't come back to Wright's till around 4:30. If you see me out there, give a holler & I'll tell you if I'm hitten them or not. Good luck on the LOC.
  21. Nope, I stand corrected, not a typo. It's 25lbs.
  22. Hey Clarke, sorry we didn't get a chance to meet. I'm out of Oswego quite a bit so I hope we can meet on the radio or at the dock the next time. I've got a Starcraft Islander, no top yet. Keep an eye out for a short fat guy with a sunburned bald spot. :shock:
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