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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Ray, I'm going up to Oswego on Sunday with my buddy and you're more than welcome to fish on my boat. Ya gotta keep your clothes on though. Give me a call if you're coming up.
  2. A word to the wise. Don't go on Ray's boat. He makes you fish naked. :shock:
  3. Just click on the link on the left side of your screen & it will take you to his site. Good luck & let us all know how you and your Dad did in "Fishing Reports".
  4. The 80# Sampo swivels will go thru the eyelets.
  5. Ray, you got too much time on your hands. Get back to work so you can pay for that new engine.
  6. Length isn't too good, but a wide girth. :shock:
  7. Too bad, they missed out on some good fishing.
  8. Yup, they also say the mind is the first to go.
  9. When checking the weights, think........Will the dog wag the tail, or will the tail wag the dog?
  10. Happy Birthday you ol fart. Hope it is/was a good one.
  11. Yeah, thanks Bill. It's frustrating, but I'll be back out there this weekend. They gotta turn on sooner or later & I want to be there when they do.
  12. Took a newbie with me and took an hour to set up 4 rods. He couldn't get the hang of keeping the boat straight while I was setting rods & I kept getting tangles and having to pull lines and start over. Trolled from 70 fow to 250 with nobody home. Not even a knock off. We marked a lot of fish just east of the pierheads in the 108 to 113 range but couldn't get a thing to fire. We spent 3 hrs. going back and forth over them trying different flies, spoons, & flashers, varying speed, etc. Nada, zip, nothing. Went out deeper and still nothing. Off the water by 1PM. Guys on the dock reported about the same. Maybe next time.
  13. Wha'd ya do get lost in a time warp? We been here over 60 years. Glad you finally showed up. We thought the Kling-ons got you.
  14. Hey Mike, I wish I was there too. I'm glad you guys had a good time. Ray will have his boat up and running in no time. It's the only way he can get out of the house and have a few cool ones. MMMMMMMMM
  15. Sometimes ya gotta take care of family business at home. This is starting to sound like a story from the 3 little pigs.
  16. http://www.1800runsnew.com/ Remanufactured $1795
  17. Well, I saw the pics, now I'm waiting for all the gory details. What happened? :shock:
  18. Egads, those are faces only a mother could love. :shock: Great pics Ray, but sorry to hear about the engine. It was running like a top.
  19. I wish I was able to fish it too. Nobody is ever supposed to get married during fishing or hunting seasons. It should be illegal. What's wrong with these people? I'm sure the site will be buzzing with updates Sunday morning. Can't wait to hear all about it. Wish I was there.
  20. Hmm, Rosie Palm's family I presume?
  21. Took my sister out on Lake O for her first time. Trolled everything I had in the box and came up empty. Fished from 50 to 360 and had two hits on the dalmation spinny w/hammer fly but nobody home. We wanted to stay longer, but the heat got to us. We even duct taped umbrellas to our seats to get out of the sun. Kinda looked like the Culhanes from Hee Haw. :shock: She said she still had a good time and wants to go back again though. The fever runs in the family. Maybe next time.........
  22. I didn't know that. Good job. I'd still like to see a pic of the final totals if someone has it.
  23. The OMC might be OK, but I'd be very careful trolling with your Johnson. :shock:
  24. Anyone got pics of the two boards with the final totals?
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