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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Also in the Sodus ProAm, according to the 2006 rules, it states the entry fee for Am's is $300. I thought the entry fee for all the ProAm's for Am's was $250. Which fee is correct?
  2. Welcome to the site. Great boat name.
  3. Nice rig. Looks like a fish catchin machine.
  4. Atta way to go Dan. Congratulations.
  5. OK, I'll bite, what's the musky story?
  6. This looks like it's going to come together. Get the TV cameras ready.
  7. The L.O.U. Dreamteam? :shock: Keep me posted, I'd do it.
  8. I'd have to sell the boat to pay for the flies. :shock:
  9. Ray, I'm sure he'll vouch there were no curtains hanging in the boat. I'm still trying to decide between mauve & chardonnay I laughed like heck at "at least one charter captain did" That's a riot. And you're right, I couldn't have made it through the winter if it wasn't for this board. A lot of good info to absorb and try to remember to put to use.
  10. Well Welcome to the board Tom. It was a pleasure meeting you at Wright's. I could have used some of those extra secret tips. Next time don't be so frugal with them.
  11. That's for sure, I've replaced them one at a time for the last 3 times I've been out last year.
  12. Hot Reels wins in the Pro Division. Just in, No word on how everyone else did. From Spoonpullers.
  13. #23 = Crinkle Green
  14. WOW, Fantastic job Yankee & team. :shock: And Tom & the A-tom-ik team - Hooray
  15. S*** happens, I still can't figure out how I lost a major on Friday. 5 minutes he was there, a second later he was gone. Rod (Power Pro dipsey) was bowed almost in half the whole time, no slack.
  16. Aw come on, I need all the help I can get.
  17. Let us know how you made out when you go.
  18. Good job Bill. I hope your old fishing partner keeps fishing and becomes your new fishing partner. Nice to see the wife along. Now, watch the language when a fish comes off.
  19. Nice report Al. Good fish pics too. Thanks
  20. When I docked at Wright's in Oswego at the end of my day yesterday I was met by a nice young fella from the DEC doing a survey. I answered all his questions and he gave me a copy of the survey for April '07 & I found it interesting enough to post it for you guys. Enjoy
  21. 1) Green Spin Dr. w/Crinkle Green fly 2) White Spin Dr. w/A-tom-ik Hammer fly It's like salmon candy to them.
  22. I'm looking for 4 used rod holders, 2 doubles and 2 singles, either Bert's or Tite-Lok. Please PM any info if you are selling or if you know of someone who is. Thanks
  23. I went today from 5:30AM to 4:30PM. I missed the biggest king of my life and a sure LOC winner. He almost spooled me and I got him back to within 100' and lost him. The heat got to me and I had to leave before dark. That's a first for me. I ended the day 0 for 3 and my buddy 0 for 1. My heart was racing a mile an hour when I missed the big one, but it was a good day for just relaxing. I need more practice. Green Spin Dr. w/green fly, White Spin Dr. w/blue fly took all the hits. Both flies were A-tom-ik but I don't know the names of them. All were off dipsies in 40-60 fow near the bottom. We trolled all day from 40 - 225 fow. my face & arms are beet red, forgot the sun block. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing. NYUK NYUK NYUK
  24. No, I was refering to Ray.
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