I went today from 5:30AM to 4:30PM. I missed the biggest king of my life and a sure LOC winner. He almost spooled me and I got him back to within 100' and lost him. The heat got to me and I had to leave before dark. That's a first for me. I ended the day 0 for 3 and my buddy 0 for 1. My heart was racing a mile an hour when I missed the big one, but it was a good day for just relaxing. I need more practice.
Green Spin Dr. w/green fly, White Spin Dr. w/blue fly took all the hits. Both flies were A-tom-ik but I don't know the names of them. All were off dipsies in 40-60 fow near the bottom. We trolled all day from 40 - 225 fow. my face & arms are beet red, forgot the sun block.
I didn't know you were into that sort of thing. NYUK NYUK NYUK