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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Thanks waterlogged. I stand corrected. I would have edited my post, but the edit button is lost in space on the right side of the screen, along with some cut off words. Chad? Have you been playing in the pudding again?
  2. Long Point State Park/Lansing Park As near as I can tell: Latitude N42* 32.272' Longitude W32* 32.730' * is supposed to be degrees Hope this helps.
  3. Yeah, that's the one. I've been watching ebay and the selling price is usually more than the new ones. Thanks for the link Blue Eye. BOUGHT ONE. THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR THE REPLIES!
  4. If you have one you'd like to sell, or know of someone I'd appreciate a PM or email. BOUGHT ONE. Thanks
  5. Nice job Bill. I'm looking forward to the next one on salmon. PS: Can I have your autograph?
  6. Mark, I'm not sure if this will help: http://www.anchorexpress.com/manufacturer.cfm?mfid=65
  7. Thanks Rich D. Maybe if the weather breaks midweek I'll get up there.
  8. Not a bad price: http://www.lakemichiganangler.com/store ... e_Line.htm
  9. I spent all afternoon cleaning out my boat. I don't know how it got all those leaves & stuff in it from last Fall. My bad. I hope you guys that got out on the water had a good day. It doesn't look too good for the upcoming week. :roll: The boat's ready though. :!:
  10. Aww, their poor little legs just couldn't take anymore.
  11. Dang, that's the 3 I needed to complete my set.
  12. "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck",.................
  13. I think it would be nice to list ALL the businesses/individuals who donated a prize(s) for the event.
  14. I have my own to spool yet, but I've been told to first wrap the spool (arbor) with tape, then tie the wire on with a regular arbor knot and reel, reel, reel. Be careful if you're letting all the wire out on open water. you might lose the whole spool if you're not paying attention.
  15. DEC put a bunch of them in Oneida Lake to help control the zebra mussels too. Every once in a while you'll hear of someone hooking onto one. Illegal to possess there too.
  16. That must be it.
  17. J-B Weld works good. You can buy it at most auto parts stores.
  18. I caught a 36 incher on a fly-in trip to Canada about 15 years ago using a piece of pepperoni for bait, no kidding. It fought like crazy. We filleted it and tried to eat it, but spit it right out. Very soft & mushy. Kinda like eating fish flavored oatmeal. Never again.
  19. You're correct there. Mono stretches and absorbs the impact of the strike. With wire, there is no stretch so a snubber is advised.
  20. Can man? Ray you're too funny. I thought the site was a pretty good one too.
  21. I'm gonna say biggest king will come out of Olcott @ 25.8 lbs.
  22. I'm a "can man", I just can't lift as much as I used to.
  23. Better you than me.
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