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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. No, but this is : Ray had to reach around him to reset the rigger because Tom was snoring. :D
  2. Happy Birthday Tom. I heard there were more than fish shakin on yer boat today.
  3. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=16436
  4. Wisearse
  5. Fantastic, thanks Jim
  6. EDIT: Copied from original post by 1fish2fish (Important Wind Turbine Information) All, I received this email from a concrened friend who has been following the wind turbine project since the beginning. This is in reference to the Wayne county vote this evening at the Lyons County Courthouse for wind turbine project off Wayne county. Your input would be appriciated. 'Dear Friends, As many of you know – we are strongly opposed to offshore wind turbines proposed in Lake Ontario and Lake Erie that are being promoted by the New York Power Authority. (NYPA) NYPA has designated the area right off our property as a potential turbine site. On Weds. evening, March 31st - the Wayne County Board of Supervisors is having a public hearing at a special meeting in the county court house in Lyons, NY about this issue, taking public comments and we will be speaking against the Great Lakes Offshore Wind (GLOW) project at that meeting. Wayne County is accepting email comments on this issue from the public prior to this important meeting and we are asking if you would send an email to the Wayne County Board of Supervisors requesting that they not support NYPA and oppose the wind turbines in Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. The Board will then vote to support or oppose this project based on the comment it receives. Please email a sentence or two and send to: [email protected] Some reasons for opposing this project are: -Permanent loss of view shed -Tremendous loss of property value and marketability -Light trespassing or loss of darkness over the lakes from turbine blinking lights -Nuisance of shuttering -Nuisance of reflecting sunlight -Nuisance of turbine noise plus it’s a known health hazard -Negative implications for boaters and fishermen – their travel will be restricted in the areas were turbines are located -Negative impact on tourism -Avian and bat carnage that is certain to occur -Winter ice will destroy the turbine structures. This project has never been attempted anywhere in freshwater in the world – we would be the guinea pigs in this expensive experiment -Turbines will cause electromagnetic interference affecting TV, aircraft and boating communication ' THANKS, Jim
  7. http://www.thekingofthelake.com/tournaments.php
  8. Dang, first my chowder, now my songs
  9. NOOOOOW I get it. BWAHAHAHA I didn't recognize yer voice. Glad to help.
  10. oh boy Steve, you're in for a real treat when you hook onto your first salmon. Try to learn as much as you can by reading the past reports & don't hesitate to ask a question if you can't find the answer. Welcome to the site
  11. Only 4 things ya need up there to be successful, beer, bread, lures, & ammo.
  12. WHAT THE H3LL ARE THEY THINKING????? Something smells worse than the pollutants they are allowed to dump into OUR lake. Somebody ought to take a look at their personal finances and see how much they've gone up. I just can't believe this is going to be allowed.
  13. You didn't leave me a contact number...lol The only place I know of to buy Kaboom lures is Fat Nancy's in Pulaski http://www.fatnancystackle.com/ I just bought some up there a couple weeks ago. Maybe the other guys on the site know of another place. Good luck
  14. Keep a good eye on your temp. gauge. There's a lot of plastic bags in the water this time of year and you can overheat pretty quick. Good luck on the water this year & congrats on the new rig.
  15. Just curious if this boat is still for sale. I have a friend that may be interested.
  16. Thanks anyways greybeard but I'm all set.
  17. HAH, THEY do that anyways even when they're not tryin to do it.
  18. Wish I'd found this in the winter. Oh well, good for rainy days: http://web.me.com/boutdoors/Angling_The ... eason.html These guys did a great job in Olcott & Oswego. Maybe the powers to be in the Scottys & Pro AMs should team up with them again? http://www.videoamped.com/
  19. Welcome to the site Kevin. If you're a friend of Landshark you gotta be a good guy. Pssst, don't say the word walleye around him. He goes into a catatonic state and starts drooling.
  20. I'm pretty sure JB Weld, or epoxy would work. Check the label to make sure it's ok with plastic.
  21. Are those the new "Clippers" I've been hearing about? Nice & small
  22. A story to be told next breakfast meeting Happy Birthday Again Brian!!!
  23. This forum is one of the best I've ever seen and the guys on here will disagree from time to time on various issues. As mods, we try to let things run their course as long as it doesn't get out of hand. If an issue does, we give a warning if it's not too severe, otherwise the member's post is deleted. We don't run it as a gestapo organization, thus the thread was allowed for members to voice their opinion, good or bad, also the reason for not locking the thread. We will continue to agree to disagree from time to time, but that's good, we all learn from each other, but let's do it civilly.
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