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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Thanks Chad, I didn't notice that till you mentioned it.
  2. Face it Ray, unless your wifey takes a sudden liking to fishing you're all done. Can I have your spinnys, flies, & spoons if you give your boat to fireplug?
  3. MB, very good advice so far. I'd also like to add, when trolling north/south if you mark fish at a certain depth and are not getting hits, set your riggers about 5' above the marks and try trolling east/west. It sounds like your uncle is doing the right stuff & just needs a little fine tuning on his presentations. Like has been said, read the fishing reports section and try to adjust your technique accordingly. Don't hesitate to ask questions when you have a specific question. You're coming into prime time for hook-ups right now so get out there and "get 'er done. PS: I'm from the Utica area also so if you'd like to stop over sometime I can show you some of the set ups I use. Just shoot me a PM.
  4. Yup, I've also used pineapple juice & comes out nice.
  5. Happy Birthday SS. May your day be filled with screaming lines.
  6. make sure you take protection just in case the "locals" don't carry them.
  7. Welcome to the site & glad the guys were quick to respond. Kudos to all the members who chip in and not just take. Good luck on the water, right now is prime time. Go get 'em.
  8. Sorry Tom, the calendar is only available to professional site members. We seem to be missing some information that way.
  9. Why isn't it on the calendar & what are the details? Who from LOU is fishing it? Inquiring minds want to know.
  10. Sure is a sweet lookin ride. Good luck with her.
  11. All fishermen are liars. Welcome to the site LT Lot of good folks here & a lot of good friendships made on this site. You're getting on the water at prime time & I'm sure it will be a memorable one. Good luck
  12. More of a Deception, they're false.
  13. Nice job Stan
  14. I have AT&T because the salesgirl had big boobs.
  15. Nice going Stan. YOU are king of the lake out there.
  16. good job Andy
  17. It only gets better for the next month
  18. Oops, I'm sorry I looked. Are these my surprise Christmas presents?
  19. If ya ever catch a fish, bring it over and I'll show ya how to do it.
  20. Ditto on what John said. Those kids will remember that for the rest of their lives (how Capt. Mike took them out on his BIG boat) They look like they're really enjoying themselves Mike, nice job.
  21. Ed, I believe he's talking about the eye hook to hang the rigger ball off of when not in use. The cable should be running thru the center of it. The hook should be pointed sideways, not parallel to the rigger shaft.
  22. Insurance companies are the lobbiests on most of this stuff.
  23. Thanks for letting us know about this. I copied it to the open discussion forum also.
  24. when are you going out of town for a few days? you ain't left yet?
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