My email & response received today:
>>> "Bob" 12/06/08 10:50 AM >>>
Good morning, I understand there may be discussion on adding a 3 rod limit per person on the open waters of Lake Ontario. I also understand the 3 fish limit per person will also remain the same. As a salmonoid troller I fully support this proposal. I believe it would increase fishing license sales and further enhance the fishing experience on Lake Ontario.
Many times when I cannot find a partner to fish with I will forego the trip because I cannot set up a decent program with only two rods. With the 3 rod proposal, I would not mind fishing alone as it would give me a better spread and would be worthwhile.
I encourage you to support the 3 rod proposal for the open waters of Lake Ontario if it is presented to you.
Thanks, Bob (muskybob)
Proud member of Lake Ontario United
Three rod/angler proposals have been brought forward in the past, but were not favorably received. We will include your idea in discussions with the DEC Regional Fisheries Managers (RFMs). If there is some support from the RFMs, and Albany staff, we can then advance to discussion with sportmen's groups. Thanks for taking the time to share your perspective.
Regards, Steven Lapan