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Everything posted by UPSTATE

  1. The deer really seem to be hanging around houses for safety around hunting season (and beyond)lately. I saw more deer close to peoples back yards than in the woods several hundred yards in this past season. I think we are seeing a survival adaption over the last several years. Nice big buck picture Kevin
  2. Congrats on the amazing catches and great pictures. Must have been quite a dynamic in a kayak, I can't even imagine.
  3. I think I have seen your boat, love the Maco line. I stay at Millen bay in a Trophy Bayline 2052, if you see me, we should meet. Done for this year though.
  4. Given that this is indeed a world class and unique situation, that is the great lakes Salmon restoration project and subsequent fishery; if I had my druthers there would be a one fish per day take limit, on Salmon, and a one steelhead per year carcass tag type thing. That is me being strange (ie: different than most) because I believe all Pike and Bass should be catch and release, unless say a mortal hook set and a carcass tag for trophy mounting. But again I'm just a dreamer; but I have seem the result of a unmolested fishery ( I use the term unmolested loosely) and the fishing is amazing. I say why kill a wild freshwater fish when tilapia is so cheap and yummy.
  5. I wish everyone on this forum could experience the once in a lifetime day like the one my loving wife and I had, which happened to be on my birthday, that sunny August morning while "taking a few casts". I also hope your able to get the picture, which this family very well may talk about for generations, long past our time on this planet. The thrill of watching this fish swim away, giving me one last wet face as it slapped it's tail upon release is a moment only my wife and I will ever understand the solemnity of. But I doubt any will
  6. I talked with 6 different gentlemen all who said DSR was dead last Saturday. I don't know, I wasn't there. None of them hooked a fish and all said that was the norm. Interesting how the reports vary. Oh course there are a lot of fish in the river, but I have not heard of, or seen, the big pods that cause the action people are more accustomed to. (yet)
  7. The fish was released, the stringer was so I could put it in the water quickly after hook removal and between a couple pictures. It was 54 inches. I was very worried about the fate of this grand animal given the light line and no cradle (or net for that matter). It swam away vigorously. We catch and release all fish except a yearly perch dinner around August. My wife proved her great angling skill on this day
  8. Here is a huge fish my wife caught in the morning while we were leisurely having morning coffee on my birthday. 6 pound test line, ultra light setup, of course no steel leader. A real miracle. august 4 th 2014
  9. Sold Please delete listing thank you, steve
  10. Jeff, I have caught walleye in the channel (deep water) off Leek island near the border and have set up productive drifts near corn island by Gananoque. I used worm harnesses and heavy bucktail jigs with worms. Several years ago but they were good spots then. Also it was in june.
  11. I own a 21 footer and absolutely love it. Great hull design ,handles the rough stuff so your high and dry and is small enough to take the kids skiing and tubing
  12. Never heard of anyone catching a musky in the Oswego river or in the lake.
  13. Carleton Island was tough fishing last weekend (aug.3,4,&5). The smallmouth which have been available were not in my usual spots. We fished ironman for walleye with jigs for several hours in the evening without a hit. Perch can always be found and the bigger ones are where the bass should be, 25-35 feet down. I plan to troll this weekend if the drifting methods fail again steve
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