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Everything posted by Fishstix

  1. Havent been there for awhile unless Im reading the chart wrong is it down 3ft?
  2. I cant read it..Does the one on the bottom say limbo trophy?
  3. Back up buyer if it doesn't work out.
  4. Ive got $7500 that says there is fish. Going to try to add $10,000 more.
  5. We fished only for lakers . This was 3rd place. It was skinny if it had shoulders and a full belly who knows what it would have weighed. Thanks Bear and Wiz for putting on the derby.
  6. Haven't been to the weigh in in so long I forgot where its at. Maybe this year. long overdue.Good luck to all.
  7. Nice fish. Great picture . Its coming back.
  8. I found them at Boston gear. Thanks for the tip. I am going to give my add a week in case someone has some parts. If no response I will order from them .
  9. Looking for the bronze drive gear for the downrigger pictured below. These are from the 80's. Still work fine but the drive gears are just about worn out. Still powerful but really noisy. Obsolete is what Big Jon told me. I bought these used in the early 90's third boat Ive had them on...I thought maybe someone on the board here might have some parts..
  10. Wow quite a machine. Should handle the Fingerlake chop just fine.. I like a skip tower especially on a hot windless day.
  11. Curious how high. How muddy . and how much debris is floating around after all the rain we had. Thanks Stan
  12. Bought a set Thanks to those that responded
  13. Looking for a good used set. Pm me. it would be nice to find a set between Binghamton and Sodus. Shipping cost. Thanks Stan
  14. Looking for a couple leadcore setups. Ithaca area. Binghamton area .Syracuse area. They are for a friend of mine. Let me know what you have and I will pass the word.We also fish at Hughes.
  15. Fish have been biting. weather dont look to bad.. will be a good time.
  16. Definitely a wall hanger. Congrats. I bet the south end of Cayuga is busy this morning.!
  17. Trouthunter the diameter of the net in the picture is 22 inches. The fish both had good shoulder's and girth. Guess 4 to 5 lbs.The one with the lamprey probably 8lbs.
  18. Couple more LL pictures. I had to net them before I let them go. They have a tendency to roll when they get next to the boat . It gets the line wrapped around their head. Also Ive never seen the lake so flat . The reflection of the clouds on the water was amazing. ... I cannot figure out why sometimes it cuts the heads and tails off in some of my pictures..Sorry. Ive got to wait for my grandkids to come over.
  19. Planerboards 44 to 50 degrees
  20. I was in the right place at the right time . Cayuga Had 5 on landed 2 all still swimming.
  21. This was my best fingerlake salmon. I did not want to take it out of the water. turned around to get my cutters and lamprey was gone. Finally getting landlocks figured out. Jump rear and tear.Lots of fun.
  22. Thanks for the outstanding report... I was thinking Cayuga today... Now im thinking Seneca.
  23. Thanks for reply. I should have bought it when I seen it. I was already carryng flashers a couple 12lb downrigger balls.cowbells etc. I could not tell you table number or exactly where it was . Maybe it will be there next year. Thanks for running the show Im sure a lot of behind the scenes work goes into it.We look forward to it every year. We always need more stuff.......
  24. This is a long shot .At one of the tables in the center section a guy had a fly tying kit. It was in a wooden box with cutouts for the different pieces. The price was $45 dollars.If I can make connection ..I would like to purchase it.
  25. I will be a backup buyer if pole setter doesn't buy them. paypal available.
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