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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. I see your point Ray, shakers certainly will not damage your manly overhand knot
  2. The Fish Doctor recommends a swivel minus the snap. The overhand loop knot gets beat up real fast on mature kings & is prone to failure prematurely. I picked up Ball Bearing swivels from Bass Pro in Auburn NY. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/store ... _THUMBNAIL
  3. http://www.aquasuperstore.com/products/ ... =450913733
  4. Results posting: Nice to see that people who can listen & act took my suggestion to take a picture of the results & post it, so we can see the results in a reasonable time. Thanks guys!
  5. Bigjon brutes are the way to go, best rigger out there, gear drive, & a small profile for your boat. The others will take up a lot of room on an 18' foot boat. Plus they have a built in shock absorber so your gunwalls will take much less of a beating.
  6. Overhand knot for attaching the swivels. Go the Fish Doctor site for a video of this method. I have been using it for the last three years & it is the best & cheapest way to attach swivels. I slip a 1 " length of shrinktube over the wire prior to making the overhand loop, then attach the swivel, & shrink the tube down to cover the knot ends to protect my hands. You won't be disappointed, & it is very fast to do, especially if you get a kink in the wire while out fishing & have to cut off some wire & retie.
  7. Bigjon for the long haul! 27 yrs on 4 of their electric captains packs & still going strong!
  8. Ray; Put the bottle of "Jack" down & back away from the computer!!
  9. Rod; Your words to me "Iceman, Did I meet you at the Challenge? Your name is Dick, right?" Name calling is for children & speaks volumes about you! How hypocritical is this comment you made about me when you say that Big Weenie should be shortened to BW so as to not cause problems with children asking what Big Weenie means. It appears that you cannot handle the truth & need to resort to name calling. This quite sad behavior for an adult!
  10. See, Pro/AM management, the results can be done quickly. Plus, if spread sheet familiarity is not an option, I don't know why you don't just take a photo of the board & post it???
  11. WTG Tim!! Still waiting for them to come to the East end of Lady"O"!
  12. These are all good spots at that time.
  13. See Ya & Raise Ya, how does 2,000 hp sound, will fly by anything except a Glock or Motorola!
  14. The planes I saw were orange in color, hence my assumption CG, well if not CG, it is still a waste of our tax dollars for sure, no matter what agency! Paul if you are correct (you probably are), the money to support it comes from another government budget line supported by the same US taxpayer! We all get to bend over deep!
  15. What boat did you observe this on?
  16. There are way too many people on the New York State payroll now, we need to cut the workforce by at least 50%, as there aren't enough dollars/working people left to support it now, & it only gets worse as they retire at 80% pay for life (jacked up by double shifts for the last five years of employment) & with full medical bennies!
  17. This activity is a total waste of the border patrols resources; they belong on the Southern border of the US, not burning gas checking out cute young girls!!!! Are they still flying the big coast guard planes in tandem along Lake Ontario's South shore? It is sooo comforting to see them, not! Cha Ching from the Taxpayers pocket! The Quote below is very appropriate! Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as saying: Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Plus it is reported that Obama said that he would not close the Southern US border until he gets his plan for immigration reform, which is make all illegal’s now in the country US citizens, with full rights & benefits. This way he and his minions are assured another 20 million votes from these free loading criminals. Obama will never close the border, as he will continue to build/buy support base from these illegals. This is sickening!!! Our Law requires that the POTUS as his first duty protect American citizens. Obama's Aunt is living on the public dole in Boston Mass. even though she received notice of deportation over ten years ago for overstaying her visa, nice, huh! The second amendment is the first ever Homeland Security! This same type of Sh!? goes on at the airport when I travel with my father, he is routinely pulled out of the security line for further investigation due to his knee replacement (alarm is tripped). He was a former World WW II prisoner of war for nearly one year (in Nazi Germany, his B-17 was shot down after 18 successful missions bombing German bearing factories); he was also wounded & received the Purple Heart. A young man of Middle Eastern decent walked right through ahead of us with not as much as a glance from security, as he did not set off the alarm. This is just industrial strength stupid in my opinion. As far as I know a good percentage of the people who want to hurt Americans are young men of Middle Eastern decent, however we cannot look beyond our nose due to political correctness. Please hand me the sick sack from the airplane seat!!! There, I feel better now!!
  18. Bigjon riggers come with real rod holders, not plastic wannabee's. You never see anyone putting extra Scotty plastic rod holders on their boat!
  19. Try the tire rack
  20. Just another reason to fish only the LOC Derby events, they have all of their $hit in one pile with instant electronic updates. No observer either!
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