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Everything posted by goingagain2

  1. pete, i'm sure u will be. and musky, just keep the dirt off the top of me. LOL is it a good thing or a bad thing hearing this poll. john
  2. ami the only "old boy" here. 70 at last count. john
  3. i have mine on the starboard also as its remote, the only recommendation i have is keep to the center as much as possible to help eliminate listing and still be able to use an easy steer. john
  4. happy birthday hank
  5. if u dont mind staying on the boat, wrights landing in oswego is a great place. rest rooms, launch and normally nice people, fishermen and others. lots of fishing info when fishermen are there. john
  6. Tim, i did not mean my statement to be crude or arrogant, just that i was giving up on fishhawk and got one of there new probes and its night and day over what they used to be. have about 40 hours on this spring and bats are still good. john
  7. all I can say is its the best investment i made in a long time. consistant readings and no coated cable. have to agree the old probe drove me nuts, but the x-4 is in my opinion a very good unit. try it before knocking it. john
  8. jim, u have to remember how old i am. CRS is the main prob.. hope all is going well pete. john
  9. caught 6 kings in two outings on may 8 and 9. at first it was 60 to 80 ft and 35 down, on 9 may in the morn it was 130 to 180 and 80 to 113 down. missed 4/5 and lots of knock offs. off the can on 8 and just east of the lighthouse on the 9th. john
  10. I have had the pleasure of having a drink on that boat. it really is in good shape and one hell of a boat. john
  11. not to bad mouth any org. but my experience with boat us trailer club as noit good. i had a brake hang up on I81 near wilkesbarre, called boat us and told them. the first words told to me was , i dont know when someone will be there, the second thing she told me is they dont do brakes. I said goodbye boatus. (forever) john
  12. There are no words that i can add other than God Bless Him and all the true heroes. The american service men and women. john
  13. MUP rig, my understanding is mag up, thats where MUP comes from`. john
  14. reese, thanks as that will work for me. its coming soon i hope. see u then. john
  15. reese, if u still have the triton 8' lite rods, keep them for me and i'll buy them. john
  16. seasquirrel last year i did my boat bottom, if i remember right it took four coats of sealer and then i put two coats of soft ablative paint on it. i used blue water paint and sealer,the price was good and i am happy with the results. u can find info at www.ipaint.com. the biggest thing is preparation, dewax first then sand and sand and sand. first time i ever did it and its not hard just a lot of work. i believe the seal coat is most important. john if i can help let me know.
  17. mschott, you found a real good place, will learn a lot about LO. i'm from mahanoy city, where are u located. a lot of NE PA guys on here. john
  18. chad, thank you for to pics and CD song, being an old retired navy senior chief i had goose bumps listening to the song. god bless all who serve. john
  19. hi pete, tks for the plug. its been a long winter, but we are almost there. chad, did not receive an email, please try a pm, like i said yesterday, i found out how to check them. john
  20. thanks chad, did not see it yet, but will do what u tell me to. I NOW understand the PM and where to look. doesnt take me too long to catch on. LOL john
  21. LOU, I have tried to join the pro LOU, however , I am an old boy and have prob ( am sure i did) screwed up on the pay pal, dont know what card or password, so if u can tell me where to send a check, i would do it. not sure i know pm either. john
  22. hank thanks for the reply, will tell him . john
  23. I think I better add some info, what i need it the ft lbs to tork the nuts on the dual prop. tks john
  24. i have a friend that would like to know the ft lbs of tork that should be used on his dual prop volvo outdrive. tks john
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