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Everything posted by rustyrat

  1. Ok call me 315 283 8878 [ Post made via Android ]
  2. 50lb Flouro. I've been using Ande with good results.
  3. 1 cannon high profile and 1 is the new style. 1 Walker. 25 bucks each. I posted this just before the crash and had someone who wanted the cannons but even the PM got lost. So he gets first dibs. Thanks RR
  4. They did run it this wekend till noon on sun. Its back off.line. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. The plant is not in operation, so no warm water discharge. RR
  6. Low and slow!
  7. Nicely done. I enjoyed it. RR
  8. Very few fish in the creek cause there still in the lake or Rollies boat! Nice going! RR
  9. Don't bother until we get a huge amount of rain. I've been fishing hard for 3 weeks. Nothing hooked and nothing seen. Go up north. I even wonder if there will be a decent run thus fall based on the lake fishing this year. Good luck. RR [ Post made via Android ]
  10. I have been fishing the Cayuga tribs for the last 3 weeks. No water=no fish. Haven't even seen a fish and there are no fishermen either. RR [ Post made via Android ]
  11. I fished about 40 days on Cayuga this year. It was off in numbers and size. Normally I would get a nice brown every trip. I got 1 this year. I also only got 2 decent bows and about 10 decent salmon. I never took a laker over 10 lbs either. Believe me its off. RR [ Post made via Android ]
  12. rustyrat

    Skaneateles Skaneatles

    Yup too early. If you want.an adventure, go out at dusk, set up around any point in 5 fow and anchor. Fish crawlers with mini marshmallows on the hook tip. Slip sinker rig. Toss em out and wait. When a school blows thru, all hell breaks loose! Stay out all night. Its a blast. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. The fishing on Cayuga has been fair at best this year. My numbers and weights are way down. The derby weights were way down too. I firmly believe the lampreys are the problem. I was out Sunday and they were on every rigger ball and even on the transom. I'm even wordering if the fish I'm marking are lampreys! [ Post made via Android ]
  14. I had it happen again on sat too. Big uns! [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Thats not an accurate statement. [ Post made via Android ]
  16. I had the same thing happen on sat. Huge lamprey sucking the life out my cannon ball. Couldn't get to it in time before he let go. [ Post made via Android ]
  17. I was that other boat. Its has been happening a lot more frequently with the popularity of jigging increasing. I could have tossed that guy a sandwich and a beer. Just look around at the trollers line before you set up in the middle of it. As Bill said, I can cut to the outside but not the inside. We are riding the rail on that ridge. I have been forced in a few times in the last several weeks and that results on dragging all my gear on the bottom. Then I have to pull every rod and clean off the zebra mussels. The jigging guys can maneuver much more easily than we can. So just be courteous and look around for the trollers before setting up. I give you guys plenty of room when i come upon you all I ask is the same. Good post Bill. RR
  18. Well its no secret its been a slow pick for us most of the summer but Sat we finally had a great day. We caught fish from sun up until 1:30. 100 fow north of AES was really hot until about 9:30 for lakers and then we headed north to the west side and got an a bunch of salmon but they tended to be 15 to 16 inchers. We headed down the west side about 11:00 and did a mixed bag of decent lakers and some more small salmon. Ended up the day by getting 3 more as we were pulling the rods to head in. I have been working 80 to 120 fow, using green and silver, black and silver and goby spoons. Park those spoons right on the bottom for lakers and 50 to 70 down for the salmon. Spinnys in white or green with white or blue big weenies took a lot of fish too. 300 copper and a 7 color core were dead all day! Good fishing to all! Captain Scott
  19. As long as its not buried in the bone it will work. [ Post made via Android ]
  20. There is a pain free way to remove hooks right on board. Even real deep ones. Remove the lure, take a 3 ft piece of 50 lb mono and wrap it wound the bend of the hook. Make sure you have enough line to get a good grip on it. Push on the shank of the hook down on the skin and yank as hard as you CAN! the hook will pop right out with no damage or pain. Put a bandaid on and keep fishing. I have performed this procedure several times and can attest personally to the technique. [ Post made via Android ]
  21. You can order them from the kittery trading post. I just got a bunch. [ Post made via Android ]
  22. I have a 16ft open starcraft and a 9.9 Johnson in excellent working condition. 1000 bucks. [ Post made via Android ]
  23. My team fished 3 miles towards fairhaven on sat and 4 miles straight out for the first 3 hours on sun. We boxed out with browns on sat, 202 points. 11th place. After watching the weigh in on sat, I decided we needed a kicker fish. So we went out and got the 22lber about 8:30. Ran in and had 4 hours to box out on browns. 1 hour left to go and all we needed was 3, any size. Never got another fish. Finished 12th. If I went and.fished.my 200 point brown box on sun, we would have finished in 5 or 6th on the over all classic box. Captains decision. Its tough! AND I HAVENT FIshed OSWEGO IN A YEAR! No excuse guys not to enter. We did decent and just missed. I charter on Cayuga guys. No excuse not to enter a 4 man team. 3 days of fishing including all fees, gas lunch cost us 330 bucks a man. RR [ Post made via Android ]
  24. Ontario fish are not line shy. I caught loads of browns this weekend on 40lb ande! No fleas either. On Cayuga its 50lb but that's too heavy and I just leader em down to 20 flouro, 6 ft. Does the trick. Just not a fan of the ff. RR [ Post made via Android ]
  25. I live on Cayuga lake. I believe these are of the 1980's vintage. [ Post made via Android ]
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