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Everything posted by rustyrat

  1. jusgrinnin pm sent too.
  2. Just make sure you have the proper running lights for the boat past dark. Thats all. RR
  3. My boards are free. You just have to come and get them. RR
  4. TD I have an antenna with the rachet mount laying around in good working order. No radio though. 50 bucks but you would have to come and get it. RR
  5. I have a bimini that went on my Islander with the frame for sale. Its in brand new condition. I believe the beam is the same. The only way to know for sure is to try it. Where are you located and how much do you want to spend? RR
  6. I have a nice set of homemade (Cedar) ones that work great. Where are you located? RR
  7. Yep, I've seen them in Massena. I know the now retired DEC officer up there and he told me about them and showed me. So yes they do run down the SL to an extent. RR
  8. Are you talking about sea run atlantics? If you are, there are a few rivers on the north side that still get runs but they don't come down to LO. I also know of a small river off the St larry that gets a few kings from the lake. RR
  9. As long as both batteries are good, run the switch on both at all times. (different with a kicker though) That way you don't run one down. Thats how several folks including myself run it with no problems. RR
  10. Don't do it unless like Split said. I tore up a nice top once. Happened in a flash. I'll leave it on when towing from the motel to the launch when fishing the bar but always take it slow.
  11. You can start at either. If you launch at oswego you can go either way up the shore. Standard stuff, small spoons and stix. Mexico, head towards the plant fish off the creek mouths and the high rocks. I hear goby patterns are good. Really just put a mix of stix and spoons and find out what they like for the day. Thats what I do. RR
  12. Transition time on Cayuga can be really tough going till the water warms up and the bait starts to come shallow. The south end used to be fantastic when the smelt came in usually around the 1st or 2nd week of April. Not many smelt around down there these days so the fishing has gotton slow there. Most of the sawbellies are DEEEEEP right now and with the water still very cold, most of the fish are hanging off the bait. They don't want to expend energy in the cold water chasin down bait. Last time I was out, I only marked fish deep around the bait. Like I said Cayuga is tough in March unlike LO which can be on fire at this time for browns. Board fishing will get better once the water warms up. Usually for me I start to do well towards the end of April. RR
  13. Came up about another 6 inches in the last 5 days. RR
  14. I may be the oddball here but I don't get the hits on the tournment ties like I do with straight trebles. I use owner hooks and tripple fish 50lb flouro. I don't seem to loose may fish. RR
  15. I have an L750 and I wouldn't trade it for anything! simply an outstanding unit. Any of you guys looking for a great deal on a FF, here it is! RR
  16. Should have seen it 2 weeks ago, if you think thats down! My docks were DRY! Now there is about 2 feet of water at the end. RR
  17. It depends on the day I guess. Flat calm last night and it was about 15 this morning so I'm sure myers was locked up. Even T falls was locked (no bubler) this morning) We were the first ones out this morning and had to go raming speed to break up the ice. BTW fishing was SLOOOOOOW! Didn't mark much, didn't catch much. Water was 33 degrees everywhere. March is always tough on this lake. Good to be out though! RR
  18. bows lakers some salmon, perch smallies. I've caught some dandy bows there. RR
  19. Wow the antenna costs 300 alone! Thatsw a great deal. I have the R425 and I love it. Took a while to figure out how to use it though. Soooo many features! RR
  20. Strictly howies for me. Atomic is second. My ticket is bigger than Splitshots. RR
  21. I run 8 in flasher/spin dr.s/pro trolls. Most of my browns/bows/salmon come on small spoons. (honeybees/T spoons/ R&R) Flasher flies for lakers. RR
  22. largest brown I've got on Cayuga is 13.5 lbs. I have also got a 12 lb salmon. 14 lb laker is my best. I caught lots of browns last year in the 7 to 10lb class. My biggest bow was 8 lbs. RR
  23. Well the temp is pretty uniform so I would run a board, a rigger down 20 a rigger down 45 to 50 and wires out for lakers. Find the bait and the fish won't be far off. Prolly over deep water. Once you start hitting fish adjust the program to the depth. There I just gave you my program for sat! RR
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