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December 5, 2006
Last visited
September 21, 2023
Everything posted by rustyrat
I'll check Myers on my way home tonight and report back tomorrow. It just needs to be ice free, you can use it if there is enough water and no ice.
Better off fishing Cayuga. Closer too. Launch at Taughannock Park.
Up about foot an a half. Ice is gone from the south end but still very shallow. Lots of mud down there! good thing I poured my concrete pads for the dock stairs last week! I should be out on sat.
No not frozen except for a bit at the south end.
I catch them year round. Just find em and they usually are on the feed.
No culling, bummer. Same thing will happen to me. I'll get all 20 inchers, be done fishing by 9:00 and spent 1000 bucks to fish for a few hours each day. Thats the only rule I don't like for the Niagara.
Cisco's here. love em!
Try auto part stores. I was at the bar a few years ago and one craped out. Found one in the auto part store. They usually have all kinds of wiring connectors.
Radio Shack or auto parts store. Thats where I got mine and the work just fine. Chaep too.
Split you lost your foot. Back down now prolly 8 inches from when it was up. There is a ton of ice at the south end, guys were ice fishing yesterday. Thats not going anywhere for a while.
99% of the LL in cayuga are stocked. I've caught them with forked tails and square tails. If anything the top fish might have been a brown, but def not a bow. But browns have sopts on the top of their tails all the way to the end. I blew up the tails and found no spotting. Also the adipose fin on a brown is very close to the tail. Well on the pics i have to compare it to anyway. Can't go by the heads as some get a bit disfigured at the hatchery. Same with fins.
You guys are out of your minds. Both fish are LL. Without a doubt.
"Is that a foot long". "Yes and then some".
You got your foot split.
Up 6 to 8 in this morning. I think by tomorrow it will be up a foot.
I don't think so there is quite a bit of current at the north end and it was open water last time i drove by. Talked to the lock master last week.
Yea Glen should be able to make it, just have to be careful when going out of the shoot. Might have to trim the motor up a bit. Lake came up 6 inches yesterday.
I have seen Bills work. He does a fantastic job.
You're not just kidding either. Both of my lifts are dry! I also have to be very careful with the well too. Its gone dry a few times. Usually 500 gallons in it but I'm lucky if there is 80 gallons in it now. Don't know why they lowered it so far. Not much snow pack. I did talk to the lock master and he said they closed the lock finally last week.
We better get snow and rain this spring or the boats won't be able to go in the lifts till the end of May! And no, it didn't come up at all as of this morning.
Should have gone yeaterday! Yep here we go Bob!
I have the 420C and you need the external GPS antenna. 300 bucks, I know i just bought one last year. Great unit. You need a new one, don't buy one used unless you try it with your unit first.
3 12# torps for me please.
I will be able to fish the 18th.
Ouch, I am going to be gone either the last week in July or the first week in aug. Wont know for about another 2 months.
Dogs and burgers sounds great, dish to pass is cool too.
Just hope I can make it.
I can ice fish at myers right now!