Does anyone have any experience with this unit? I am looking to put an autopilot on my kicker and supposedly this unit will link with my autopilot on my main motor. I can't find any real information on the website so I was wondering if anyone uses this product.
I am going to be putting a kicker on my boat in the spring. I am looking for any suggestions or insight as to what other people have as far as brand of motor & size. I am thinking either an 8 or 9.9 hp with a 20" or 25" shaft should do it. But I am not sure which would be better. The Tohatsu motors are considerably less expensive than a Mercury, Honda or Yamaha but does this say something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'll be up Saturday and Sunday for sure. I have Monday and Tuesday off but I'm not sure if my partner can get them off or not. I'll try to get a hold of you.
We didn't fish this week-end but did pretty well last week-end. We are heading up on Wednesday fishing until Sunday morning. We will be fishing exclusively for Kings, last week-end the cold water was at least 150' down. I'll post when we get back.
Fishing Report
Your Name / Boat Name: Fish Magnet III
Date(s):7/3 & 7/4
Time on Water:7/3 6:00 - 5:00, 7/4 6:00 - 11:00
Wind Speed/Direction:
Surface Temp:
Total Hits:16
Total Boated:12
Species Breakdown:King Salmon, Lake Trout
Hot Lure: White ProTroll w/ Hammer Fly
Trolling Speed:
Down Speed: 2.2
Boat Depth: 220 - 350
Lure Depth: 110 - 170
Finally got the Fish Magnet III out for some salmon fishing. Saturday went 8/8 with 3 of them being throw back skippies. Biggest fish of the day 20 lbs., all fish caught on the riggers down between 140' and 170' of cable. White and green ProTroll's both took fish. Took a couple hits on the dipsey's but were all gone before we got the pole out of the holder. Sunday was not as good for caught fish we went 4/8 with 3 of the 4 caught were small throw backs 1 of them a laker. The one fish we did keep was a 21 lb. king. We did get a hook up on the dipsey 350' back on a #2 setting but my brother had a case of the dropsy's losing 4 fish in a row. Felt good to be back on the water.
My brother with the 20 lber from Saturday.
The 21 lber from Sunday.
Thanks for the replies it looks like I need to move any weight I can to the stern of the boat. Glenn the pictures of your boat really helped, the pin striping on the bow is about where the water line is on mine when it was sitting at the dock. So it looks like I am sitting at least 6-8" lower in the bow with the hard top. The boat does pick right up and go there is not a power problem. Will trim tabs really help at 2.5 - 3 mph speeds? If so I will definitely be looking to put them on.
The boat is a 1990 Tempest 215 Hardtop with a 4.3L Mercruiser, it has an 8' beam. It had a full tank of gas. It does not have a forward bilge, has drain holes from the front to get all bilge water to the back.
I brought my new to me boat up to Oswego a couple week-ends ago and I have a couple of questions for any owners of Penn Yan boats. I have never owned a fiberglass boat before but it seems to me that the boat at trolling speed has a bow heavy feeling to it. I did have trolling bags in but when we used the wash down the water did not run back toward the scuppers but ran toward the bow of the boat. We only had 2 people on the boat so it wasn't overloaded. I just have extra poles and tackle in the cuddy. I just am wondering if I am missing something? Any advice would be appreciated.