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Little Salmon

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Everything posted by Little Salmon

  1. Prayers sent to him and family From staff at Jon,s Little Salmon Tackle
  2. I wouldn,t put money on it, they haven,t shown up for 2 weeks now
  3. Glenn get well soon the fish are waiting for ya. Jon & staff/Little salmon tackle
  4. Best of luck Rod see ya next time up.
  5. 1st Good Times Sportfishing 2nd High Adventure 3rd Sea Devil 4th Fish Magnet 5th Triple J Big Fish Proteus 17.2 lbs Good Times 13.4 lbs youth Good Times Horsin Around High Adventure Congratulations to Good Times Sportfishing Made our day to see 3 kids have such a secsesfull time on the water hope they are HOOKED forever !!! Also thanks to the fisherman buying raffle tickits the proceeds will go to help with the net pens. On a sad note Once again we had a team who didn't read the rules,and when D Qed made a childish seen at are expence,an that I"M an A$$ Hole may be we are for putting our $$ an hard work into this event.WE will be thinking hard about will there be a next year Thanks to all that participated and the staff here for there hard work. Jon
  6. Have a happy one bud
  7. Entry forms are available at Jons Little Salmon
  8. Jon,s Little Salmon B & T Brown trout Derby May 19 th rain date 20 th $ 50.00 entry fee per boat 100% pay back
  9. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):wed/ Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 7 Total Boated:5 Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: big weenie beetlejuice / poledancer Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 90 / 100 Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAIL all fish on dipsys /green dot spinnies ====================
  10. Jon's in Mexico size 0 & size 1
  11. Come on Whistling Dick
  12. McDonalds should put a Big Weenie fly as a prize in the happy meal.That would be great ! Oh but I,m not aloud in there
  13. Great job Todd
  14. The broke back Jack looks great , should be here in a couple day,s. Been moving a lot of Dawms crotch cricket flies .Been hearing there working good
  15. Jason gotta try the new Dawn,s crotch crickets ,looks like a good one
  16. OK I can see where the nick name comes from . Thanx Jason
  17. Don,t know, just heard its good
  18. Selling like hot cakes
  19. Can some one tell us what the N word in a clown suit spoon is ,we know its a silver streak ?
  20. When could we see it we are over in Mexico
  21. Looking to buy a good used drift boat. Jon@littlesalmontackle.com or 315 963-7800
  22. Talked with Beth today Jefferson Co is definitly included
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