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Everything posted by T_barb

  1. Thanks for the info... I was going to get the 3" federals and 3" Remington Accutip.. You can not find the Remingtons anywhere, so I will start with the Federals and go from there.. Always look forward to trying something new and the way I look at it, you can never have to many guns!!!
  2. Chrome Slayer, I was looking back at this post, as I am close to buying a 220... Have you had a chance to shoot it much more? Are you still impresseed.. What was your determination in terms of the best ammo to use in it. Also, what scope did you end up putting on it? Have you pushed it out to 150+ yards? curious to hear the results.. thanks in advance for the help..
  3. The one on the right is a STUD!!!!
  4. Classic!! thanks for sharing
  5. Here is my favorite (...or not so favorite) from last year...
  6. I would hate to imply a conspiracy theory, but... does anyone think that the DEC would stock fish that do not have thier fins clipped to make it look like there are more wild fish than there actually are? I keep reading reports of 50% of the skippers not having thier fins clipped and that seems like an awful high percentage to me... I am not sure what I would expect it to be, but 50% just seems high
  7. IF you want a camera where the batteries last forever (..2 set a year tops and I use mine alot), give these a try... http://www.scoutguard550.com/ I have used a lot of different brands and these are the best.. they are the size of a coke can and the video is top notch as well..
  8. I've got to believe that the early spring, which has brought an abundance of food 3 to 4 weeks earlier than normal, is going to grow some really nice bucks.. I was at my camp last weekend and had 2 come out that had antler growth already.. One of them had much more than I would have ener imagined this time of year
  9. 6 players with 12 or more points and 5 with 7 or more rebounds.. that is tough to beat
  10. Bows are like snowmobiles or trucks... Everyone has their opinion of which is better and in the end they are all pretty good... Bottom line, you need to find something you like and are comfortable with... Some people like buying the latest and greatest thing, with the most advance technology and innovation.. Ifyou can afford to do that and enjoy it, all the power to you.. At the end of the day ensuring that the Bow fits you and is well tuned is more imprtant the the make or how old it is.. Even more important, is what you do with it when the moment of truth arises... i know a lot of people that have bows that can shoot 300 fps+, but can't hit the borad side of a barn when their heart starts pounding... Just my 2 cents... That said, if I was going to buy a new Matthews there is only one place i would go, Indian Mountain... Phil pays attention to details that a lot of other people do not...
  11. I agree with Legacy... It is worth the drive!!
  12. I have used BioLogic Maximum the past 2 years and have had very good success.. This past year I got it in a little later than I wanted to, but the previous year, it was waste deep... I also tried Imperial Winter Greens that same year and the growth was a fraction of what I got withh the Biologic.... Some of this is just finding what works good for you and sticking with it.. I just wish I had more time (...and money)!!
  13. I think when it comes to food plots, the difference maker is giving them a good source of food in the winter.. The past couple of yers i have planted 2 to 3 acres of Brasica and I think it has made a differnce.. for the most part they don't eat it until late Novemebr or Early december, after it freezes and becomes palatable.. I was down to my camp last weekend and they have been hitting it hard, but there is still some left.. All the pics I got on my trail cameras are of good looking, healty deer.. If you can keep them well feed and healty over the winter, they can get growing strong in the spring.. Just my 2 cents and opinion..
  14. saw one on the PArkway near Braddocks Bay last year.. there was not doubt what it was.. I almost drove off the road..
  15. Got to love it.. I swithced to a 20 gauge about 7 or 8 years ago.. I have an 870 wingmaster, with a Hastings rifled Barrel and Leopold Scope.. I shoots great and will really reach out there.. I have been shooting the Winchester Platinum Tip slugs for the past 5 years or so... i have been happy with them, but always like trying different things.. It looks like you got better groups with the 3" slugs, whihc is interesting.. I thought it would have been the other way around... Good looking gun!! There are a lot of people that would never get a bolt action slug gun.. I wold love one.. As far as I am conerned, if you take your time and concentrate on shot placement, you only need one shot anyways.. I always laugh when i hear these guys unloading there gun, just to make noise...
  16. Wow.... Awesome work!!! thansk for sharing
  17. Is the 4th pic from the bottom an Altantic? Just curiouos
  18. tried rattling late morning on Friday and had 5 bucks come in.. the biggest hung out in the field and wouldn't come in.. Had a small 6 point that was looking for a fight.. Seems like the majority of the deer movement is right at and after dark.. Field behind my camp is loaded with deer all night long.. That will change shortly,a s it always does..
  19. Where can I find the jigs you are referencing? Do they come in smaller sizes?
  20. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templ ... hasJS=true The shape looks very similar to a jig that a friend of my father's used to make in a homemade mold.. They were awesome.. When you jerk them they arch through the water vs. a conventional jig that jerks on a straight 45 degree angle.. These are pretty big (smallest is 3/8 oz.), but could be good for smallies and pike.. Just curious.. Tom
  21. I have consistently got Coyote's on my cameras this year no matter where I put them.. Prior to this year, I have never got one on camera... Going to have to take care of that this winter!!
  22. Thanks foe the help guys.. Really looking forward to the opportunity to fish a new lake and one that I have wanted to fish for a long time... One additional question, is there a bait shop in the northeast portion of the lake... From what I can gather the Happy Hooker is on the oposite side of where I am staying, so not sure if that is the best option..
  23. I am heading down to Chataqua in a couple weeks... always wanted to fish there, but never have until now... I am going to be staying by Dewittville Bay.. I've only got a couple of days and haven't had a chance to fish much this summer, so want to get on some fish and not going to be picky.. Preferrably some smallies and some decent perch (..and maybe a suprise gets tossed in).. anyone familiar with that area of the lake? any advice would be greatly appreciated..
  24. I have been reading this thread and finally spent some time today looking at the new fee strucutre.. Wow!! I hope the DEC knows what it is doing... I think the are in jeopardy of loosing a lot of people that are on the fringes.. People that are older (..looks like people between 65 and 70 are getting hit hard), or just get thier liscense because they might go out, or just get it because they always have and never really hunt anymore.. For me, it is a no brainer because I love being out there and try to hunt every free minute it get.. I am just fearful that the people that choose not to get liscences anymore will offset a good portion of the incremental revenue they are expecting.. I work at a large company and talked to a couple of guys that are not getting liscenses this year.. They don't hunt much anymore and with this economy, they have decided to not get liscenses... Let's see, I will spend $30 bucks more, but the two of them combined will spend $150 less... i hope this does not represent the norm or we are going to get whacked even harder in the future!!!
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