I had alot of memories this past season. My best was Aug 14th. I had my family aboard along with a good friend. We decided to head out offshore right away and fish a long day with the great weather forecast. The plan was to setup around the 32 line and look north towards the fence. The catching started out slow but by 9 am we had nice steady pick going. That continued thru the day with the longest period 20 minutes between bites.
By 4 pm, we were around 34.1 N x 19.9 W. We trolled thru an area with plenty of marks and we tripled. We had several more doubles, triples, and 1 quad in that area. Earlier we had decided that 7 pm would be the cutoff. At 7 we started pulling rods beginning with the corner rigs. The center rigger rod hooks up and then 2 divers. Another triple to finish the day!!
We kept a log and the tally was 31 for 50. Things were real hectic at times and our numbers could have been a few more. We took some salmon in the morning, mostly steel thru 4 pm, and a mix after that. Our largest king was 25 lbs that day. The great day of weather, fishing, and having my wife, kids, and a good friend along definately made this my most memorable of the season. We all had a blast!!