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  • Birthday 03/26/1979

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    Hilton N.Y.
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    Sandy Creek
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  1. Has anyone that guides / captains him tipped him off to these issues?
  2. Sunday March 30th.
  3. Ice rescue at the RT 19 bridge. Kayaker stuck in the ice. I guess he was in the open water and the ice started flowing and trapped him. What are people thinking!
  4. I heard that and I heard the trawlers couldn't cross the border. I think it was the state department that wouldn't allow this. I could be wrong.
  5. Can we stop the political banter and unify to keep these programs. Put politics aside and write your congressmen and women.
  6. Sorry to burst your bubble but top end predators don’t miss many meals.
  7. We used to have guys come to our weigh in at the Sandy Creek Shootout and collect scale samples and heads from fish after weigh in. I can't remember if they were DEC or USGS guys. They haven't been there the last couple of years. Regardless of the size this season, I highly doubt we will see the crazy catch rates we did last season. It was great for everyone but it really put a dent in lake trout gear sales!
  8. I would love to catch a king over 30 again! It's been years. I say 34.05lbs. There was a 37 caught last June out of Olcott. We will see! My boat motor rebuild should be done very soon! Can't wait!
  9. Heads sold pending payment.
  10. 12 flies in tubes and Three unrigged flies. $45 pick up in Hilton NY or $50 shipped to the lower 48.
  11. I have a bunch of new and used cutbait heads I’m getting rid of. $20 pick up in Hilton NY or $27 shipped to the lower 48.
  12. They will never do that. The only reason the do Braddocks is because it has a couple marinas.
  13. I have seen more hand signals than horn blasts over the years!
  14. Probably not much more. You know as well as I do Dave that without it, a channel at Braddocks will always be an issue. If they do it someday, more guys would keep their boats there that fish the lake.
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