I put my probe at 50 degrees. Another rigger above it (62 degrees) and another below it (42 -45degrees). I put my 2 high side divers on the opposite side if the boat as the high rigger and the low side on the other side.
It might be a little tough getting info since there is a big tournament this weekend. I can tell you a little further to the East, 120 - 225 has been holding kings.
You can go wrong there when the boat will be getting fixed and you will be without a boat. Seriously, do some research on Trackers and their history of hull splitting / leaking issues. There is nothing worse than missing out on our already short season because of warranty work.
Canada closed a couple Lake O tribs during the spawn to protect spawning fish. Not a bad idea for certain stretches of tribs with natural reproduction. It benefits the entire fishery not just the lake guys or stream guys. Yes it limits access to areas but we should all care about the fishery and not ourselves.
How much cable is on the rigger? The counters are calibrated with 250' of cable on them. If you have 400', you counter will be way off. Also if there is a lot of backlash in the spool, the counter will be off.