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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. On a positive note, this will be good for selling lake trout gear......
  2. We can blame the idiots that complain about stuff but continue to vote democrat......
  3. Will do.
  4. Not according to Chuck Schumer when they were starting the project. Gotta love politicians. Anyone that has boated on Braddocks knew he was full of sh*t. A pier and a complete break wall along with some dredging would make Braddocks a good port.
  5. Sold pending payment
  6. I have two of the these Perko rod holder rod racks up for sale. $100.00 for the pair. I don’t really want to ship them but will at buyers expense.
  7. The ones that survive to adults seem to look great. Here is one I caught a couple years ago.
  8. No Dave. They were deformed, curled, or worn. I wish I still had the photos to post. Horrible product. The bigger ones we have caught look in a lot better shape (maybe better survival when they have good fins?).
  9. The Powder Mill hatchery would be a great place to raise Atlantics. Contract out the hatchery to raise Atlantics. The government loves contracting stuff out!
  10. Atlantics are raised in a federal hatchery and the Coho are raise in the Altmar state run hatchery. I don't see that happening.
  11. Atlantic numbers seemed to be up some this year. We caught a couple compared to 1 or 2 in a season. All I'm going to say on this topic is, if they want more atlantics to survive until adulthood, they might want to stock a better product. EVERY atlantic we caught this summer had damages pectoral and dorsal fins. I have seen some in pics that looked great and they were bigger fish.
  12. Get ready for flooding next spring. A winter prediction of good winter + high lake going into winter = lots of water!
  13. Big ones like cold temps in May, June, July and the beginning of August. Once they start staging, things change. As for the rest of the advice, I can agree with most of it.
  14. Sold pending payment
  15. Everything in this lot is brand new in the package. NK mag spoons, 11” paddle, coho flies, GRC flies and a cutbait rig. $75.00 shipped to the lower 48.
  16. I run all wire. Fleas suck no matter which one you choose.
  17. Mother Nature shook the snow globe really hard the past two days. Its going to take a couple days to settle this mess out!
  18. I run 2 9'6" rods on the high divers and 8'6" diver rids on the low divers.


    Not suprising! 2012 we had a big blow on day one and no one weighed a king in until late Day 2.
  20. I can't believe guys are trying to beat you up on this price! They are $1,000+ new!
  21. 70-85’ was good first light this morning and the last hour last night. 40-60’ down.
  22. I have hundreds of spoons/flies/flashers and only use a handful of colors. Stick with what works!
  23. I’m prepping spin n glos for the new for 2024 UV Snot Rocket Gambler Rig!
  24. It depends. Are you not marking much? If I have a good screen and stuff isn't firing, I change. If I’m in search mode and haven’t marked much, I stick with my usuals.
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