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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. I know Scott. The venue needs to change!
  2. You would think it would be that easy to get people but it's not. I'm amazed at the lack of help with the pen projects. I understand about out of state guys but the local guys there's no excuse.
  3. I think we should ask the DEC if this were to happen again if volunteers could hold them in pens. We could have pens made like the pen rearing projects, hold them until the weather clears and then take the to the lake and drop them in the evening. We could raise money to build extra pens and have them ready. It would take volunteers which is a problem because a lot of people can't take the time to help. I think it would not be too much to ask of the DEC or the fishermen.
  4. Union or not, they could still stock at night. You can change their schedule with advanced notice. You may have to pay them shift differential but who cares. Could we get the DEC to dump they into pens during the day and then we dump them out of the pens at sundown? I would volunteer for that.
  5. Did you just figure out what the caps lock button does on a keyboard Rick? You have used it a lot today.
  6. Matt, Let me know where you find a good dog. I had to put my 13 year old black lab down a couple weeks ago. We will be looking in the spring.
  7. They have the perfect solution to the water temp issue at the Hatchery but they will not do it. Caledonia hatchery........
  8. I'm glad to read this about the meeting. I'm glad they are already looking into fixing the issue. In the past, I feel they had the attitude of we will see what happens. I wonder what is causing sterile coho? Could it be they are king/coho cross breeds? Interesting.
  9. The entire run has to be looked at not just a small portion of the run. The salmon River reports were slow for the end of August, ALL of September and part of October. By looking at Columbus Day weekend and seeing a Decent run and basing the entire run on that weekend is not right. I will be a little more at ease when they get the egg quota but there is still something wrong and it needs to be figured out. I still shake my head at the lack of concern from some. We ALL have a lot invested in this fishery.
  10. All the reports I have read state the run is way less than normal on the salmon. When they all run at once, it will give you a nice amount of fish in the river at once. As you know Dave, the runs normally start in August. The DSR reports are dismal except for Columbus Day weekend. Say what you want, fish are missing. The late August run was not there and September was a trickle. Not normal numbers in the river as far as the total run. Look at the big picture not one weekend.
  11. I will start this off by saying I'm not a captain. MOST charter captains will work their butts off to put fish in the boat ALL DAY. There are some that feel ok with putting an couple fish in the boat and setting the cruise control for the rest of the day. Take a trip with a couple different captains and you will see the difference. If the guys work their butts off, I feel they deserve a tip. If they sit back and do nothing, don't tip.
  12. Erie the emeralds are suffering from the reports also.
  13. The guys I know that bass fish the lake are saying the same thing. No small ones. The lake used to be loaded with 10-14" bass. I just find it screwy that the limit has not been reduced seeing that the population is dwindled to nothing.
  14. I just got home from perch fishing and two of the guys you mentioned above told me "no salmon we perch fish". They kept every perch they caught and most were 6-7". It is funny you mention changing the limits. The smallmouth bass population TANKED and we still have a five fish limit on Lake Ontario. This is something else that needs to be addressed.
  15. Ten years ago, Ibay was a perch paradise. The Greece ponds the past couple springs were way slower than normal for spawning run. Sodus has been really slow compared to ten years ago lately too. Yes there are plenty of perch to catch but it's not as easy as it used to be. I'm not saying they are gone, just not the levels they were at a while ago.
  16. Also like Gator stated, I'm glad we can have an adult debate over this. Other sites, people would be banned by now for childish remarks or PM threats.
  17. Davy your comment about the perch population is wrong. You may be able to catch perch by the bucket fulls but the population is down compared to 5-10 years ago. Cormorant predation, over harvest, gobies eating yoy perch and alewives eating newly hatched fry. I spend the entire fall chasing perch and have seen a drastic decline over the last ten years. The runs in the Greece ponds in the spring were way down and Ibay was dead compared to the past.
  18. I don't even think the DEC knows why we have had two years in a row with poor three and four year old year classes. Thiamine deficiency? Poor survival after stocking? Cormorants? If less are surviving, it makes sense to stock more.
  19. Re read my last reply. The winter of 2011-2012 was very warm. The hatch of alewives in 2012 was through the roof. Yes the last two were cold but the population was high. More kings could be stocked. They felt the alewive population could take another 300,000 very long living lake trout. Why? Because they are federal fish they do not have to pay for......
  20. The bait population has climbed over the last couple years. Tons of bait with NO fish on it. It is not the norm. Ten years ago, you were lucky to see a couple bait schools in a trip. Now it is constant bait. We had many warm winters with very little if any die off (before 2014).
  21. Chad he is an Atlantic lover. He wants the lake full of Atlantic's so he can fly fish them all summer long.
  22. Tileman I don't have problems with trib fishermen. I enjoy the tribs. My issues with the tribs is with the unethical BS that goes on. There are great sportsmen that fish the tribs but for every one good guy there are three raping the fishery.
  23. The total will still be less money than the lake generates by far. Boats, riggers, fish finders, speed and temp units, rod and reel combos,Marinas, docking, maintenance, fuel, tackle, derbies/tourneys, hotels, food and much much more.
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