The is tons of $ in the conservation fund, or the lawsuit that they used money from to buy the marking trailer that could be put towards building a hatchery on the West end. There is also Powder Mill. Powder Mill is privately owned but the could make a deal to subcontract the job of raising the salmon.
King Davy,
The DEC is all about a Healthy fishery IF the budget allows. If a healthy fishery is what they are all about, they would not have all their eggs in one basket! The DEC did add a ton of fish to the lake by adding 300,000 lake trout that live WAY LONGER than a king. This could be detrimental to the fishery if there is a bait collapse. Kings would be out of the system in 3 years. Lakers can be in the system OVER 20 years. It could be a reciepe for disaster if something were to happen.