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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. The best way is have some buddies in the marina that are willing to come and get you and tow you in. PAy him for gas and return the favor if they need it some day.
  2. Big Jon Multiset Rod holders.
  3. I use the Spros too. THe only difference on mine is I use uni knots.
  4. Let me try to get the proposal from my wifes boss that talks about the 18" ordeal.
  5. How can the town have an ordinence if they do not own the water? This is like the Town of Greece changing the parking along the ponds to keep icefishermen from running their gas augers too early in the am. Complete BS.
  6. The 18" below the low would really flup up Braddocks bay for ice fishing! It is only 2.5 ft deep in the winter at the low.
  7. The way it was explained to me (by my wifes boss) It will be 18" above the Normal high for the season.
  8. I don't change a thing.
  9. It would be 18" above the High which would not be good for any port / marina.
  10. You can run them behind dodgers but the dodgers do not run so well at laker speeds.
  11. That's what I was saying over in the Oswego Thread. I think we are way ahead of schedule and it looks like we are already in the Transition that normally happens in June. Tim Tim, According to our record at work, the intake water temp is running 8 degrees ahead of last year at this time and 5 degrees ahead of the year before for this date.
  12. I will send you some info from my wifes boss in a PM. He is on a commitee for the lake levels in Greece.
  13. The newest proposal wants to run the lake 18" above the high and 18" below the low on different years. the owner of the marina I keep my boat at was talking about it. 18" above the High would put his docks entirely under water .
  14. Last season during June we found fish 140 -170 down over 300 FOW down East a ways (Sandy).
  15. I signed it. The lake levels should be left the way they have been the past decade. They have a hard enough time keeping the levels regualted now, I could not imagine what would happen in an extreme rain event like last May when the lake is already running way above average in this new plan.
  16. No need to swim. Raise the drive up all the way and lay on the swim platform and look for leaks and line in the prop. When I got line im my prop, the gear oil could be visible seen coming out of the prop seal.
  17. I would pick Long Pond right now. Fish leeches and crayfish on the bottom. You will got lots of sheephead and catfish. The sheephead are loaded in the pond to spawn and they have the feed bag on heavy right now.
  18. Happy B-day Richard.
  19. I had the same thing happen 8 years ago off I-bay. It was early in the am we almost ran him over.
  20. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Escape ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):5/20 Time on Water:6am Weather/Temp:58 Wind Speed/Direction: Wind? What wind? Waves: Waves? what waves? Surface Temp: 58 Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 16 Total Boated:17 Species Breakdown: Kings coho and Lakers Hot Lure: Trash can dodger and Green Crinkle Atommik Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 2.4 Lure Depth: 40 - 90 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Fished the same area as last week West of the creek. Man was it flat calm and sunny ! Fishing was good until 9am and then someone put the breaks on. We only did 3 fish after 9am. The screen looked good in 120 - 140 but the fish were hitting better in 150 - 160 for us. Most of our fish came on wires and coppers. Only 2 fish on riggers all morning. Once again another trip in the books without catching a steelhead!
  21. We had the same issue last weekend. Lots of guys saying the same thing on the radio too.
  22. Rick, I found you some new footwear for the 2012 season!
  23. I would fish it but I have to work that weekend
  24. Happy Birthday.
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