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Posts posted by GAMBLER

  1. Brian,

    The minimum is to create a point where the fish are equal, not just entry into the event. Because if we don't come up with way for the browns and steelhead to compete, lakers will win every time and we are trying to include all areas and fish into the derby. A 18lb Laker wouldn't have made the Spring derby but we never saw a 18 lb brown or steelhead.

    In the lake trout division there were 13 fish entered above 20 lbs. In the brown trout divisiion there were 14 fish entered above 12 and the steelhead had 4 fish over 12. This was in a seven day span considering the last two days were blow-offs. I'm just afraid that if we go with just a minimum, the lake trout will win every time. I will go over more past history but this year the fish seem to be HUGE! (Hate that car commercial) Thanks for everyones input, that's what makes this forum great.


    I'm fine with the minimums (on the original post). Like I said before, I don't think it is fair that a 15lb. 1 oz brown can beat out a 22 lb. 14oz laker.

    The # of huge lakers are drawn to the bar every year in the spring because of the bait. Look at the past summer LOC stats and you will see that the bottom of the lake trout division was a lot lower than 18 and change. Once the lakers dispurse off the bar, the big ones are not as easy to find.

  2. The last thread was getting a little cluttered and dealt mostly with go no/go, the Derby is a go. And for those who have already sent in their monies, your card will go out later this week. (Or the beginning of next week, I'm working to the Spring checks and my golf game.) You will be able to register at the weigh-in stations and registrations outlets, but your registration card will be generated from the office. Also for those of you who do not have a boat name, please come up with one that isn't offensive or have a dual meaning, ie master baiter etc. Winners will be listed by boat name.

    There is no online registration so if you want to use a credit card please call the office. Total Payout will be $34,500 and the dates are June 19-July 18.

    If that last weekend is a blow-off (That could never happen :) those monies would be divided up amongst the top winners of each division)

    Due to the size of the spring fish I am thinking about raising the minimum weights. This will help two fold: Help reduce killing smaller fish and maybe make for some nice carry-overs. Salmon to 25 lbs, Lake trout to 20 lbs, rainbow/steelhead and browns to 12 lbs. for the Salmon division it the largest salmon every day and if no minimum is caught it is carried over to the next day. For the trout division here is an example of how to determine the winner. Let's say for the first day we had a 22 lb 14 oz lake trout, a 14 lb 2 oz steelhead and a 15 lb 1 oz brown. For the Lake trout there is a 2 lb 14 oz difference between the min and actural weight. For the steelhead, 2 lbs 2 oz and for the brown 3 lbs 2 oz. The brown would win. Again if no minimums are reached they would carry over also.Please keep comments on this thread to registration and minimum weights only and start a new thread with different questions.



    I have highlighted in bold print the things that are keeping me from entering this derby. The number of 20lb. lakers that will be caught once they leave the bar will drop significantly. If a laker beats out a brown, it should win. If the minimums are higher for lakers, why should a smaller brown win? Unless this changes, I will be keeping my $300.00.

  3. Lake Michigan suffered from excessive forage base predation due to overstocking.Their Kings average about 9 lbs, but have gotten a little bigger as of late. Fished out of Sheyboygan 2004 thru 2006. More fish but much smaller. Thirty + kings per day was not uncommon. Biggest king I caught during that period was 22 lbs.

    But the did the 3 rod rule destroy the fishery like HAS BEEN says it will if Lake Ontario gets 3 rods?

  4. Has Been,

    Lake Michigan has had the 3 rod rule for a few years now and there fishing has not suffered one bit. If the 3 rod rule was so damaging to the fishery (as you say it is), wouldn't there catch rates and return rates suffer? Go to Great Lakes Angler and ask some of the Lake Michigan guys how the 3 rod rule affected the population of fish in the lake. You will be suprised to find out that the fishery has not suffered at allfrom over fishing.

  5. M4, he backed off the end of the concrete and hung the trailer wheels on the edge.If you try hard enough you can rip the axle off. If you try I bay use the middle ramp,don't back in any farther t

    than necessary. How big is your boat?

    Braddocks Bay is open. :)

    I got pictures of a guy that did that 10 years ago. One of the best launch ramp mishaps I have seen over the years.

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