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Posts posted by GAMBLER

  1. The 3 major brands are all quality units (Fish Hawk X4, Subtroll, and Depth Raider). It is all personal preferance. I have used all three brands. I have the Fish Hawk 840 with the X4 probe. My reason is I do not like coated cable. It is more expensive but it is worth it to me. If I purchased a coated cable unit, I would go with the Depth Raider. The Depth Raider has a smaller probe and will cause less blow back on your rigger.

  2. Thanks Guys.

    That was not funny Jerry. They sent me a cellphone pic of my boat almost tipping over and told me it was sinking. 3 heavy weights were in one back corner of my boat. I started to worry until I remembered the L.O.U. fishing get together was going on that day on Sandy Creek. I will get you guys back for that one.

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