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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. I cover mine with a tarp and 2x4 frames that I made. I took saw horse brackets and added 2 x 4's to then. These are my upright supports. I then put 2 12' 2x4's together to make 1 24' 2x4. I place the 3 supports equally down the middle of the boat. Place the 24' 2x4 in the supports and screw them in. I also put carpet on the bottom of each 2x4 to keep it from damaging the boat. Drap tarp over it and tie it tight to the trailer. I had to put carpet on the corners of the windshield and other corners. It was really cheap and kept all the snow off. I made it 5 seasons with the same tarp and framing.

    IBay Perch

    The pike/tiger musky fishing was slow. The smallmouth were going really good.

    IBay Perch

    WWIV, The bay was not the only place. It was blowing right up the gut on Conesus when I was there pike and bass fishing today.
  4. I would try the river mouth at first light and then head off shore. It sounds like temp is really deep way off shore. Look under the reports page and look at pikehunters report. It sounds like the 70' or less zone was best.
  5. Jack, Buy 3's and 4's with and without rattles. Some days one works better than others.
  6. I'm really suprised to see the City of Rochester acknolwedging fishing. The county and city do nothing to promote fishing. interesting.
  7. Move your boat out of Irondequiot Bay. I had the same problem in the bay until I moved to Sandy Creek. For what ever reason, the zebras don't get in my drive now. I talked to my old mechanic and he said there is nothing you can do about it. They get into the drive in the larva stage and grow in there.
  8. Sparky, I sent you a pm to see if it a guy that I have delt with many times in the past. I run into a lot of guys that are fishing salmon and steelhead on really light tackle. I don't mind stopping and letting them fish through. If them move out of the spot, they loose it. I also hate when they hook a fish and it is 200 yds. downstream and they do not go with it. It really stops your fishing for a long time. I would have done the same thing you did. The guy does not own the trib he was fishing on so once he left, the spot was anyones for the taking.
  9. You Bills fans are lucky there are 2 halfs to a football game. If there was not, the Bills record would be a lot worse. If they play this way against a good team, they may find them selves too far behind to come back.
  10. There are no gobies in Conesus (yet). Hopefully some one does not put them in there. There is a heathly population of alewives in Conesus. They are a lot smaller than Lake Ontario alewives.
  11. The Ottawa River has a healthy population of muskies. It is one of the best rivers for numbers of muskies. Lake St. Clair and the 1000 islands are 2 other great musky fisheries. If you want numbers, I would say the Ottawa river or Lake St. Clair. For a chance at a true monster, I would go with the 1000 islands.
  12. That explains why he had me put a 110 outlet in his boat!
  13. Could you imagine what the names would be of thier new flavors? :mrgreen:
  14. The peanuts will hang the bottom if you drag the ball on the bottom too long. My favorite colors are blue glow, blue and silver, and green glow. Don't forget about spin and glows. They work good too. B&E tackle in Wayne county, and Jay-Ve tackle in Rochester has them.
  15. Jax, How early did you have to get up to get your hair ready for fishing? :shock:
  16. Fished if the peir yesterday for perch and killed the gobies. Caught around 100 - 150 and 5 nice perch. The seagulls ate well yesterday.
  17. I have had my Foodsaver for 6 years now and love it. I package lots of fishand deer with it. My wife buys bulk chicken brests and steaks and we foodsave and freeze them to save $. I have not had any problems with my foodsaver.
  18. Bruce, Thanks for the report. Did not think we would see another report from you after the last time. Keep them coming.
  19. Ray, Fishinman told me you hit that one with your vehicle on the way back from Oak Orchard! :shock: Nice buck Ray.
  20. Freeman77, The email I got that picture in said E-bay!!! You can buy anything on Ebay. Good for getting meat but can really screw up a nice rack.
  21. Tom, Talk all you want, the Raiders still stink. P.S. I'm not a Bills fan.
  22. A mark of a good team is when they can win ugly against GOOD teams not losers. Bills will make the play offs but not the big game. Mark my words.
  23. The Bills were lucky to walk away with a win. They looked horrible the entire game. Luckily they were playing the Raiders
  24. BillyV, Put a second coat on all your teak and it will look even better. The stain will also last a year or two longer. I put the first coat on, sand it really lightly and then apply the second coat.
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