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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. I heard (don't know how true it is) that Canada did not due lamprey treatments a couple years ago due to covid.
  2. I had a lamprey stuck to my hull yesterday. I helped it come aboard and sent it back in pieces.
  3. I just got some new NY legal ones on amazon. Only 4 hooks instead of 6.
  4. I just purchased a Trollsmarter unit. I read a lot of reviews and it has nothing but good reviews. www.trollsmarter.com
  5. Runnings in Brockport has them.
  6. Nice one Bill! You just jinxed yourself for the next trip.
  7. Congrats on the Laker. What are the length and girth of that fish? Our 34.06 was 43 3/8" x 26.5". Looks very similar!
  8. What was the biggest Brown, Laker, Steelhead and king?
  9. I have run STX riggers for years and only had one board go. I have only snapped the cable once and that was due to a fray in the cable. Run snubbers, check the cable often for frays and cover the riggers when not in use. If you do not have rod holders on both sides of the riggers, water can get in the rigger through the bolt hole in the side of the rigger.
  10. If it’s not going down, you have a bad board. They are easy to replace and should be available at fish307.
  11. This is a stupid management strategy. Natural reproduction can not be closely monitored enough to get it right. Fin clipping shows you a year later what is going on (with angler participation), and seining on the Salmon River only shows one tributaries worth of natural reproduction. The seining also shows you how big of a hatch you had. It doesn't necessarily mean survival into the lake will be strong on big years.
  12. Depends on how thick the thermal cline is and what I'm seeing on the fish finder.
  13. Yes. Most guys say smaller spoons but don't be afraid to run spoons up to mag sized. The 19lb 4oz, and 16lb 11oz. browns we caught in the last couple years both came on mag spoons off divers. We run riggers cheated, 4 divers and usually 3-4 leadcores depending on the depth we are targeting. As you get later in the season, big browns will be caught up high out of temp. If you are not running cheaters, you will miss a lot of big browns!
  14. Yup. Supposedly beat the record by 1.8 ounces.
  15. Sandy Creek in Hamlin. Absolutely no boat traffic and terrific fishing in late July!
  16. Congrats on the second place finish. You guys are always in the top during this event!
  17. MIght want to try the American Forum for Henderson. This is posted in the Canadian forum.
  18. Does the Garmin Reactor 40 have throttle control built in? I see it comes with a throttle actuator.
  19. Sunday we caught a bunch and they were 9-15”. Lots around compared to past years. Seems to be a lot of 6-8lb kings around too.
  20. Divers or a thumper rig.
  21. 91. She was rough when I bought her. 3 months of work and she's fishin!
  22. Gotta have rod holders to move rods out of the way when a king gets to the boat!
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