2017 Sandy Creek Pen Rearing Project-
We have been working hard and we are excited to announce some big things for the project in 2017. Yesterday’s annual pen rearing meeting was attended by a big audience and I am glad many of you had a chance to make it there.
The biggest news announced publically yesterday was the partnership between the Sandy Creek Pen Rearing Project and the Brockport Yacht Club. BYC has agreed to allow us to use their property to host our pen project. BYC offers a great location and infrastructure for the project and in my opinion the best overall location in all of Sandy Creek. This relationship is something that I had hoped would happen for the better of the project for over 4 years now and I am very happy that it has finally happened.
Another big announcement is our partnership with East Fork Marina. The owner Tom Barbera has generously offered his marina for us to use as a staging area. Our work parties will now take place at his marina and all of the pen assembly and prep work will now take place there. The pen rearing project work parties will now also work in conjunction and happen on the same day as the annual East Fork Marina dock party. Since both parties seem to share a common volunteer base, it’s a no brainer to schedule the work for the same weekend. We are hoping to follow the day’s hard work with an after party with lots of food and drinks. Mark it in your calendar- Saturday April 15 9:00am at East Fork Marina (236 Lake Rd East Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464).
We have also invested in automatic feeders for our pens. Oswego and the Canadian pen projects have been using feeders for years and they offered a lot of insight into the decision. Wilson, Olcott, and Oak Orchard have all followed suit and will also be using to the same automatic feeders this year. Automatic feeders offer many advantages to the project and we are excited about the many positive changes that the feeders offer us. Each pen will have 2 feeders (one on each end) and will provide constant trickle of food over the 12 hour cycle. It’s a big change to our current way of doing things. We now will only have 2 daily site visits. 8:00AM the feeders will be loaded for the day and our paperwork will still require documentation of time, temperature, fatalities, etc. Our second site visit will occur at 8PM. Pens will be cleaned, feeders will be checked, documentation completed, and a hand feeding will take place.
The biggest change that the introduction of feeders brings is the elimination of the “old school” feeding schedule. The feeding schedule was challenging to say the least and was exhausting to the person maintaining it along with the demand it left on volunteers. On the positive side, the daily feedings allowed volunteers that normally didn’t participate in work parties, to get involved. Everyone enjoyed feeding the fish. Big changes to the project but I am encouraging all volunteers to continue to help in any way they can and stay involved.
Eliminating the feeding schedule has also affected the role of SUNY Brockport, which has had a daily role in this project for over 10 years. We are ironing out some ideas to adapt them to the changes and to keep them involved. I see them as a vital resource and we are be dedicated to continuing that relationship. Some great ideas were mentioned yesterday, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them taking on a larger role and increasing their involvement starting in 2017.
I am also excited to inform the group that our pen rearing numbers have been increased by the NYSDEC. Our current capacity is 54,000 Chinook salmon but in the 2017 year it will be raised to 64,000. These additional fish will come from Sandy Creek’s direct stock allotment. The NYSDEC’s Chinook Salmon tagging and clipping study (which is in its final year in 2017) has shown that pen reared fish have a 2 to 1 survival rate vs direct stocked fish. This new data shows another example of how important these projects are to the fishery.
The changes this year have led to a large financial investment for our project. As most of you know we are financially independent and rely on donations to keep us operating. Most years our financial needs are minuscule and we generally spend more on pizza and drinks then we do on operating costs. 2017 is different! Our total project investment for 2017 will be around $2100. We have already purchased feeders ($1500) and should be receiving them next week. I have put up my own personal money to purchase the feeders. We were also fortunate to have a volunteer from the Olcott Pen Rearing Project (Al Sauerland) build us stands. Al donated his time and charged us only for materials to make the stands ($300). We are still in need of a few things for 2017 including zip ties, freezer bags, bulk dock line, and a new dock box. Prior to this year we had an account balance of $703. I reached out to the Genesee Charter Boat Association (myself and Scott Bengsch are also members of the GCBA board) and they gladly donated $400 to the project. We have some other sources that we are also reaching out to but I would also like to reach out to the volunteer base for ideas. Bottom line, for the first time since I have been coordinator, we need to raise some funds. Our account is technically in the red. I think that raising an additional $2000 would be a good goal for us. It would pay for our 2017 investment and leave us with about $1000 in our account. Any help would be great! Feel free to contact our treasurer directly for contributions.
You can make the check out to:
Sandy Creek Pen Rearing Project
mail to:
Steve Rutherford
305 Lake Road East Fork
Hamlin, NY 14464
So here is the 2017 Sandy Creek Pen Rearing Schedule. Please let us know when you can volunteer!
Annual pen rearing meeting (Saturday March 25 @ 1:00pm)
-would take place mid-March
-location Hamlin town hall
-introduce new volunteers
-review of last year
-job duties assigned
-go over time line schedule
-introduce feeding schedule
-announce any major changes
-job duties assigned
2nd week of April
-pull pens from storage
-deliver pens to Marina
-pens must be delivered sometime during this week
-work party must consist of at least 6-8 guys (half on each site)
3rd weekend of April
-Pen Rearing/ East Fork Marina dock party (Saturday April 15 @ 9:00am)
-huge work party (15+ volunteers)
-put nets on pens
-drop pens in the water at marina
-tow to BYC (need boat or 2 onsite)
-install feeders
-install dock box
-Make everything ready to receive pen fish
-East Fork Marina dock install
-party, party, party
Day of Fish delivery (approx. April 17-21)
-receive fish midday- 10am-2pm (2 volunteers)
-divide all food (2 volunteers)
-move pens from BYC wall to SE docks (2-5 volunteers)
Fish Feeding Schedule
-fish will be held approx. 3 weeks
-feeding schedule (feeders must be loaded at 8am)
-temps and fatalities recorded
-pens must be checked in pm (8pm)
-pens cleaned, feeders checked, hand feeding, temps and fatalities recorded
Fish release day (Thursday May 4)
-huge work party-(10+ volunteers)
-evening or weekend
-fish must be release prior to BYC launch party (May 6)
-release fish
-remove pens from water
-power wash pens
-remove nets, power wash, put into storage
-relocate everything project related to storage
Weekend following release day
-pull pens from marina
-deliver pens to storage
-pens must be removed sometime during this week
-work party must consist of at least 6-8 guys (half on each site)
Any questions or concerns feel free to contact any of the listed board members.Thanks!
Sandy Creek Pen Rearing Project
Rob Westcott- Project Coordinator
[email protected]
Scott Bengsch- Director
[email protected]
Steve Rutherford- treasurer
[email protected]
Brian Gambell- secretary
[email protected]
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