When i was done with the morning sit, i headed over to another property and tweaked a set (The stand I saw the buck action in yesterday). I hung that stand about a week ago after some quick speed scouting chasing a ten point i saw leaving through a ditch line. After 3 sits in it i realized that it needed to be moved slightly. It was north facing and too many deer were coming from behind me so i moved it 10 yards and it now faces west. Lots of fresh sign. Tracks, droppings, rubs, and three fresh scrapes. Im trying to be aggressive and thats something that i have never attempt mid season. i typically do all my stand work in the preseason but I have hung 2 new sets in two weeks and already tweaked one of those to stay ahead of the game. I have probably changed more sets and hung more new sets during the season then all other seasons combined. It has always been something i have avoided but my best stands this season have all been hung or tweaked in season. Praying for a huge amount of luck at this point!