This is truly the best advice there is. November is time. Hunt as much as you possibly can in November. While there is a million things that may affect deer "movement"... it still doesnt change the fact of when the rut will occur. Rain or shine does will go into estrous without any doubt in my mind. Lunar data, temperature, wind, air pressure, precipitation, human pressure, food sources, all affect when and if deer move during daylight hours but the rut occurs the same time every year. I have always liked the first two full weeks of November. I believe that they seem to be "primetime" in 8A and that the third week of November seems to be the true beginning of the lockdown phase here. The whitetail rut is not a sprint but its a marathon. The rut should also not be judged by the actions of 1.5 year old bucks but rather by the daytime sightings of mature bucks (3.5 or older). They dont move during daylight (outside of dawn and dusk) until things are happening.