Back in the same stand that I hunted last night and had the encounter with a big 8. I hunted here this morning also in the wind and rain and saw him again. Scent checking does in the field. I've seen four other bucks here too but all of them have been first year racks. Just had one come through ten minutes ago.
I think I need deer with names... or maybe they have names but i just don't know what they are. Hmmmmmmm... the big 8 from last night's sit should be named lucky. Lucky I blew that chance!
Great night in the freshly cut corn. Blew a chance at a stud 8pt. He was scent checking and bumping does in the field. Gave him one good grunt and he came right to me. Unfortunately it was to my right side and downwind side. Never got a chance to get a shot off and he was 22 yards!!! He slowly made his way off the field. And ten minutes later does began to pour in to the field. He returns to the field and passes my stand at 50 yards. He scent checks the two nearest does (both doe fawns) and then enjoys eating corn for the next 25 minutes 50-65 yards from me.
Covered up in deer since I got in here this morning. Had a buck cone through in the dark and bump the does near me. Grunting up a storm. Came all the way in grunting and and walked away grunting. Obnoxious. Had a young 4 pt come in and scent checked every ounce of acreage. Took him 20 minutes and hes passed by me three times so far.
I may have to give this stand a shot this afternoon. I believe I'm surrounded in bedded does. Does and doe fawn to the east and two does with 3 fawns to the north.
Well all of tonight's action happened after 6:05. Doe w 2 fawns, small buck and a 3.5 year old. Passed a shooter 8 pt who showed up tonight with half a rack. Lucky for him. I'd like to see who's busting racks on this property.