It's seems as hunters that our own worst enemy is other hunters. There seems to be a large share of guys who simply don't care about anything but themselves and it affects all of us. Trespassing, theft, damaged to property are all things that keep us from opportunities with landowners who have a bad taste in their mouth. I feel I do the right thing. I knock on doors and get permission. I introduced myself to neighbors. I maintain posted signs. I send gift cards as a sign of appreciation. While you have these other guys running around raping and pillaging everything in sight. No wonder it's getting tougher to get permission from land owners. In the first month of the 2016 season I have had a memory card stolen from a camera, a camera stolen, and the bottom section of a ladder stand stolen. One trespasser caught. Last year... One stand stolen and one camera. Two trespassers caught. All from different spots. These low lifes exist everywhere apparently. Pretty sad too when it's the neighbors who trespass. Too bad we can't just shoot on site and display their heads on spikes for others to see. I know i would feel better.