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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. It's seems as hunters that our own worst enemy is other hunters. There seems to be a large share of guys who simply don't care about anything but themselves and it affects all of us. Trespassing, theft, damaged to property are all things that keep us from opportunities with landowners who have a bad taste in their mouth. I feel I do the right thing. I knock on doors and get permission. I introduced myself to neighbors. I maintain posted signs. I send gift cards as a sign of appreciation. While you have these other guys running around raping and pillaging everything in sight. No wonder it's getting tougher to get permission from land owners. In the first month of the 2016 season I have had a memory card stolen from a camera, a camera stolen, and the bottom section of a ladder stand stolen. One trespasser caught. Last year... One stand stolen and one camera. Two trespassers caught. All from different spots. These low lifes exist everywhere apparently. Pretty sad too when it's the neighbors who trespass. Too bad we can't just shoot on site and display their heads on spikes for others to see. I know i would feel better.
  2. I just stopped a trespasser carrying a ladder stand down the edge of the field. Apparently he was pulling his stand out of the property to the south so he could put it on the property to the north all by walking through the middle property. I had to explain to him what private property is. He explained to me that he got permission 25 years ago. He also couldn't name the owner of any of the properties. Local guy. Crossed three lines of posted signs to get here. Wtf.
  3. Looks like Monday and tuesday mornings will be good to go.
  4. Yup very short fall turkey season this year, just two weeks.
  5. Apparently I picked the wrong spot this morning. It's Feast or famine.zero movement here in Wyoming county.
  6. Congratulations salmonite
  7. Lots of deer on their feet on my ride to the southern tier this morning!
  8. This buck got the blood pumping tonight. Too bad he's just a 2.5 bruiser. 4 broken points including both main beams. He also had three puncture wounds from fighting. One on his back, one on his side and one on his neck. Someday he'll be champ! Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Snuck through the middle of the corn field to get to my swamp stand. First hour and a half have been quiet.
  10. Congratulations
  11. Small buck irritating a doe in the field. She's not amused...
  12. A hour to the southern tier but I spend most of my time local so 10-15 minutes.
  13. November 4 and as you could probably guess, I am in a tree. Weather, conditions, and timing all seem perfect. Two small bucks have already passed through.
  14. Hung a new set this afternoon. Pretty breezy in 8a so I'm hoping it helped with the noise. It has all the makings of a stellar spot. A little tight in here and It could definitely use a pole saw. Hopefully the deer like it as much as I do!
  15. Update deer all over the place in irondequoit. Had a big 8 pt cross the road. Bucks, does, fawns all up on their feet.
  16. Deer are on their feet after the rain! Deer all over the place on the way to work including a decent buck tending a doe.
  17. Ok 1 more video... A buck bachelor group providing the entertainment from one night in early September!
  18. Doe with quadruplets? Yup! Behind my house I have a doe with 4 fawns. The camera is pointing at a mock scrape with a scent dripper on it. Look at the fawn that is in the scrape. It has a huge tumor on its chest.
  19. All im asking for is a great camera with HD video, fast trigger speed, and extreme battery life for $100. Is that too much to ask for?
  20. Honestly its no different than any other year. Peak breeding typically occurs during the second half of November but there is certainly breeding that occurs on either side of that. I made note of the lone fawns (especially doe fawns) because that to me is a great sign that mom may be being bred. Hopefully the seasonable weather pattern holds and we have a great rut to finish out the archery season.
  21. So I have always run Moultrie cameras. A few years ago I had a pile of cameras (a hodge podge of different Moultrie models). I had issues with three of them. Id like to say that their customer service is great but... I sent them to Moultrie for repair and they responded with "theres nothing we can do". They did however offer replacements which were discontinued models at a unbelievable price. So i bought 5 Moultrie Dr65IRxt ($100+ camera with a purchase price of $50 each). They are on their second season and i now have an issue with one of them. Infared is failing so I no longer can get night time pics. WTF. I have owned 15 Moultrie cameras, 13 of those i have purchased in the past 5 years, and 4 of those have issues. I think i am done with Moultrie. I cant see spending top dollar on cameras because of the threat of theft so I am in search of the best $100 camera to replace my Moutries. I purchased a Wildgame Innovations Illusion 10 Lightsout camera and so far it seems to be a better camera than the moultries. Recommendations?
  22. Some video entertainment
  23. Another fawn by itself. Number three today.
  24. Shooter 8pt on his feet... Nice to see this early but not at 70 yards.
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