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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. I hunted last night and it was hot. We didn't see a thing. With the weather, I figured I sideline myself until Saturday. Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Nice one Ray!
  3. Nice pics Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. I shoot the Copper John "dead nuts" sight and love itSent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. First sit in this stand this season. Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Trophy taker drop away. Once you start shooting a drop away rest, you won't look back Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. LolSent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. 1.5 year old buck Just crossed the road and headed up the hedrow Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Looks like I'm gonna go with http://www.magnusbroadheads.com/stinger-buzzcut-100-grain-4-blade-2-1-8-x-1-1-16-3-pack/ Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. 4pt just came back. Sniffing around in the woods behind me Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. 4 pt sliding by now. Fast paced , nose to the ground Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Almost three weeks to bow hunt in November... plenty of time.Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. Work sucks! Work is for responsible people. Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Mock scrape reeled in another buck. Mature 7 pt, 80 yards downwind. He must of caught the scent, because he made a hard right turn, and walked directly to the scrape. A bit of sniffing around and left nose to the ground on a mission. Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Well back in the stand this morning after getting some work done yesterday. Another picture perfect early November morning. Light sw wind and 41 degrees, clear skies, high pressure. What more could you ask for? Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Yeah no worries, im staying away from mechanicals
  17. thoughts on NAP hellraiser?
  18. Looking for broadhead recommendations for low draw weight bows. Its my 13 year old sons bow. Im looking for broadheads with great results with draw weights of 40- 50#.
  19. i added pictures and video to my kill post
  20. Thanks guys!!!
  21. November 2, 2015 Big 9pt down! Conditions H 58 degrees Low 40 degrees Mostly sunny SW win 5-8mph Bar 30.03 The forecast predicted a picture perfect morning to be in the deer woods and it truly was. Not many stands I rather be in then the one I picked this morning. I hunted there on Saturday evening and saw a 1.5 year old six pt, 2.5 year old 7pt, and 2.5 year old 8 pt. 3 bucks in one night, sounds like a tell tale sign of the rut to me. Sunday morning I headed to the same property but to the other end. At about 730ish I heard the continuous sound of rustling leaves. The sound led me to a small, swaying tree about 80 yards away with a buck thrashing it. A quick look in the binocs confirmed he was a shooter. 4 points with Good mass on his right side and odd porcupine goofy 4pt rack on his left. Eventually he gave me a 20 yard shot and I BLEW IT!!! I left the woods on Sunday morning with my head down, pouting… The plan this morning was to head to the same property but hunt the opposite end. There’s no “perfect†wind for the stand but I prefer westerly. With the Southwest wind my thought was to freshen up one of the three dead scrapes with Code Blue Scrape Mate that are 30 yards directly south of me. My hope was to help hide myself in case something came from downwind. Well it had work. At first light, the big 9 point come from downwind, b- lines it for the scrapes, and tears them up! As he leaves them he’s less than 20 yards broadside moving from left to right and I’m thinking he’s gonna pass right in front of me. Perfect! Well, of course not! He decides to make a hard left, quartering away from me. A quick mouth grunt and I released an arrow. The Nocturnal lighted nock told me that shot look good but the arrow didn’t pass through. The buck took off with about half of the arrow was sticking out of his rib cage. He ran 100mph, out into the field, and back into the woods about 100-150 yards until he was out of sight. Because I didn’t see him fall, I decided it was best to give him time. I was in full doe hunting mode. About an hour later a 1.5 year old 6pt approaches the scrape line and works his magic. It was cool to see two bucks in the same day work that scrape line after I doctored one of them up. An hour and a half after the shot, I had to get down. I collected my gear. Analyzed the impact site and it was splattered with blood. I was hoping to see a dead body in the field but unfortunately not. I walked the field to the spot where I thought he was headed and there he was. Belly up 20 yards in. He was shot @ 23 yards quartering away from right to left. Rage Hypodermic (with a nasty entrance hole) jellied both lungs. Good looking buck. 9pt 4 on the left 5 on the right with a kicker (non scoreable) on his g2. Ive had him on the cameras for two seasons now. Last year he broke off his right antler at the base a week before the season opened. Video from this season Video from last year
  22. So in case you didnt know... the rut in on!!! LOL! Wow, its like an LOU smackdown!
  23. BBD! Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Patiently waiting with fingers crossed....I guess I'm doe hunting for the rest of the morning Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. Just arrowed the big 9... http://vid157.photobucket.com/albums/t68/boneyfish/PICT0174_zpsofzawv7u.mp4 Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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