Quote from NYSDEC website...
In WMUs 1C, 3M, 3S, 4J, 8A, 8C, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8N, 9A, and 9F, deer populations are resulting in unacceptable impacts to residents and local ecosystems, and greater antlerless deer harvests are needed to achieve desired population levels. Offering increasing numbers of Deer Management Permits (DMPs; antlerless tags) each year has no longer been a productive way of increasing antlerless take, and changes were needed to direct hunter effort towards antlerless deer.
"Strategy 2.2.6: Where deer populations are above desired levels and DMP quotas may exceed applicant base, initiate a progressive and adaptive approach to increase antlerless harvest by: (Phase 1) expanding the use of Bonus DMPs; (Phase 2) making a portion of the early bowhunting season and late muzzleloading season valid only for antlerless deer; and (Phase 3) implementing a special antlerless-only season for muzzleloader hunters in these areas."
70% of my hunting is done in 8A. Theres is not an over abundance of deer. Not even close.