Seems like a late start today. Didn't see my first deer until after 8. Just had a 3pt walk by. He returned 5 minutes later chasing a doe with a fawn
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Saw a lot of deer in the headlights this morning on my way south to Wyoming county. Fairly quiet so far. Zero chasing. 3 single deer past the stand so far. Fawn, 6pt, 5pt. All from different directions.
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Turkeys on roost yesterday morning. Turn up the sound¬if_t=like
Quiet all morning until 20 minutes ago. A couple of 1.5 year old bucks cutting through. 4pt and a half racked 6pt. That now makes 3 half racked bucks on this property.
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Headed south this afternoon to Wyoming county to get away from the gusty winds near the lake shore. I am hoping for an epic afternoon sit.
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37 days into the season and 43 hunts, I think the "grind" is getting to me. I am certainly suffering from a bit of mid season frustration with the lack of action and dealing with the terrible weather. Im betting there is many of you thinking the same thing. I can only hope, at this point, that the next 10 days will probably be the best of the entire season and I can absolutely promise that it will go fast. Im gambling on my best half dozen sets to spend my time in over the next 10 days with only the wind as guidance. For all of us, we can only hope that a good buck makes a very big mistake.
2 bucks already past me this morning. Didn't see the first one really well because it was still dark. The second was a 2.5 year old 8 pt. Grunted to him and he came right to me , Downwind.
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I'm like a dog on point this morning... or maybe a bit jumpy... I think I just grunted to a squirrel
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Stud on his feet during daylight hours!!! Maybe next time he won't be walking 50 yards deep in the thicket though.
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