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Posts posted by Legacy

  1. November 1, 2008

    DMU- 9H (town of Covington)

    temp high 45 low 41

    NNE wind 5-10 mph cloudy

    time on stand - 6:05-10:30 am

    one of the best days ive ever had in the deer woods (well without shooting one). deer were on their feet and very active through out the morning. 5 min didnt go by today without deer around me. 3 different bucks , 2- 1.5 year olds and 1 -2.5 year old 8pt chasing does for the entire morning. saw the 8 pt 4 times today and one of those times i watch him beat up a small tree. fairly active scrape line 20 yards from my stand with a series of 5 scrapes along main run. one of the 1.5 year old bucks (6/7 pt) worked 3 out 5 scrapes. its only a matter of time before it all breaks loose.

  2. for the past six years ive kept a hunting journal documenting my hunts. i include wind, temp, weather, stand location, day, and time spent in the field. i make notes of what i saw and when i saw it, for example deer sightings, food sources (including mast production), rubs, scrapes, etc. I thought it would be a good idea for us lou members to share some of our observations in the woods for 2008 focusing on the rut timing and activity.

  3. i believe the 1st and the 2nd pic are of the same deer (but you never know), the 2nd pic is of an 8 pt with some real potential,

    and the last pic is of a 10 pt (he does have brow tines they are only about 3" though). the time stamp is not correct, the time was off by 2 1/2 hours when i reset the camera.

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