LOCBA Christmas Update
LOCBA Members,
Merry Christmas everyone! I’m sure at this point everyone is looking forward to a “Happy New Year” and ready to put 2020 in the rearview mirror. I know I am!!!
The holidays are the time of year that remind us to help those who are less fortunate. This certainly applies to our small community here on Lake Ontario. Keep in mind the pandemic has affected us all differently. If anyone is aware of a member and/or their family that is in need of help, please feel to reach out to me and let us get them some the help and support they need.
It is the end of the year which means it is time for membership renewals. Going into 2021 the big push for the club will be with growing our membership. Keep in mind that whether you are a recreational fisherman or a professional on Lake Ontario this club welcomes your support. It is important to realize we are only as strong as our members and we need our members out there promoting and recruiting for us!
2020 has created some additional challenges for the club but we have managed to really make some giant steps for the future. I am confident we now have the means and the platform to unify all anglers on the entire lake. Our club’s purpose is to advance the charter boat industry and increase sport fishing opportunities on Lake Ontario. And no doubt that is what we are going to continuing doing by supporting pen rearing projects, tournament sponsorships, seminars, NYSDEC and other agencies communication, sport fishing promotion, legislation… Let it be known we are willing to share our support and influence in any way that we can. I also welcome any ideas that our members have to get us involved!
Our club’s website will be handling all our membership transactions moving forward. Our new website has been a great addition and will serve as the perfect tool for our club. PayPal will be processing all of the payments. If you have a PayPal account, then you are aware of how it works if you don’t then PayPal will still be able to process your payment with a credit card. Please take the time at sign up to upload all your social media links, website, picture, ect.
Here is the membership link that you can with everyone! https://lakeontariocharterboatassociation.com/sign-up/
If you or someone you know would like to receive the club’s emails, there is a “newsletter” link on the bottom of front page of the club’s website https://lakeontariocharterboatassociation.com/ . Once you sign up then you will receive all the club’s correspondence (as a member this is automatic).
CPR/ First Aid Certification-
After doing some research I have found an online CPR and First Aid course that is accepted by the USCG. This is literally the only one that I am aware that exists. These links have been added to the club’s website. Check out the links below for more information.
I sent an email out earlier this month regarding the temporary suspension of our monthly membership meetings. Judging by our Governor’s actions I don’t anticipate any change to this in the near future. Until we turn the corner dealing with the pandemic (from both a political aspect and a health aspect) we will need to find alternative methods to do “business”.
Please do not hesitate to contact me!
Captain Rob Westcott
LOCBA President
PO Box 1046
Webster, NY 14580
[email protected]