Or this. Don't worry about what is there. Run 8awg red and black (or yellow) to the battery. Fuse at the battery at 30 or 40 amp. Wire all your accessories to the new panel, and fuse accordingly. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Another positive vote for Chinook Divers. I run 2 of those, and 2 slide divers. That keeps me covered year round. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'll try to help but don't really know what you are asking. You have a fuse panel with a single positive DC input feeding 8 circuits, likely fused appropriately from the factory. If they aren't labeled you can track them down individually by turning on your accessories one at a time and pulling fuses. Likely they are for your different lights, bilge pumps, aerator, accessory, etc. You also have a DC ground bus. If you want to add a bunch on new stuff you should add another fuse panel (Blue Sea) and run wires to the battery of appropriate size. Fuse the positive at the battery terminal. If that isn't what you are looking for reply with questions. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
So you want the marina to go out of business because someone from shore may have set off fireworks? Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Did it look like this "Environmental Monitoring Module" just outside of Sodus Bay? I hear they are for monitoring a host of things, including water quality. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice ride. Saw you out there today. Looking good. Your video format is nice. A couple comments. There are no controls except play and pause. It doesn't say how long the video is. I watched a few minutes earlier today. When I went back, only choice is to start at beginning again. Can't skip ahead, don't know if there was another minute or another hour. Just my 2 cents. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I run both on my aluminum boat. I moved the dragonfly to the bow. But I have the 10" mega chirp, so probably not comparing apples to apples. Dragonfly is ok. Pretty good chirp down image for relatively shallow water. The inability to configure what is displayed on screen drove me crazy. Example, clock is built in but no way to display it. My Helix 10 suits me better, but it was a way more expensive unit. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
What don't you like about the Helix? Screen size? I have had both and I will take my Helix over the Raymarine any day. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Depends on the boat layout. I set up my boat for 5, but only have 3 in place. I'm a straight inboard, so I run one straight down the chute, then 1 on each side/back corner. 3 works really well for me. An outboard or I/O may need to be set up differently.
I think we were making the same point. The spool would need to have about a half inch more cable build-up (1" in diameter), which seems like a lot to me.
If 65 spool revs = 65' of cable, then 1 rev = 12", so diameter = 4". If 65 revs = 80', then 1 rev = 15", so diameter = 5" (approximately).
The math doesn't quite make sense to me. You would have to change the diameter a full inch to be off that much. That would be a lot of wire. Cannon advertises 150-400 foot capacity. Are you sure the counter is engaged fully? Does it always return to 0? Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I've only been there twice. This year and last. I have nothing to compare it to but found them to be nice people and the cottage to be clean. That was all I was looking for. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Good lake for eater walleyes. Not many musky caught. I was there last week. Did well and most fish not in the slot were over. Here is one, and it shows their beautiful color. Stayed around the corner from Kirk's at Newtons. Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Short trip, short report. Headed back out front to our waypoints from Saturday. Fish were still in the 200-225' depth in the top 50'. Finished 10 for 15. 9 kings and 1 laker. No pix today. Best fish was during a triple, so no chance. All fish this year released to be enjoyed again another day. Off the water at 10. It's been a great year for fishing thus far this season. Get out there! Sent from my SM-G955U using Lake Ontario United mobile app