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December 7, 2006
Last visited
December 18, 2024
Everything posted by FISHINMAN
Who cares keep them all right Nick
OOPS! I guess that's like doubling up DAMN WIRELESS HOOKUP IN NC SUCKS !
I have a #18 lb brown mounted at my house and to think that that thing is more than twice the size makes it seems like a peanut next to that freak
Thanks Billy
I have a #18 lb brown mounted at my house and to think that that thing is more than twice the size makes it seems like a peanut next to that freak
Thanks Billy
Musky he might have gotten them from his biological father after all he is holding a king salmon not a coho
No Rob you are losing 193 to 3 to me
Nick back to work for you like the rest of us and good luck in the 5th grade AGAIN this year Brian here's hoping (like Ray) that the 3rd time is the charm for you too
Doesn't look like it I think once I said I was in everybody else got scared. Splitshot115 must have warned them about my domination
Mike get me the number I have someone that is looking. Unless ray is interested
Nice Job Tank! Love the pic of the little guy parked in front of the fish
Nice job Rick
Hope the fish stay active until I get back next Sunday Night
Your welcome Was that you in the white boat with a blue top doing circles off the front of the creek in about 120 FOW?
Have not done the night thing in quite some time, but back in the day I did it a few times and trolled the same way as during daytime hours running Glow J-Plugs #4 and #5 off the riggers down 5 - 10 ft. I stayed around the pier heads off the Genny for the most part in 18 -25 FOW . Did some nights up to 7 kings
Good luck and be careful !!!!
I'm in for sure if it's only for $25 only because I run another league (18 years) and that's $105.00 (the $5 x 12 of us pays for our site fee in case you guys are wondering why the goofy number) $50 or $100 is to steep for me right now after all the boat repairs this year, even though I have no doubt that I will win all the and buy a bunch of new tackle with it . Don't let Ray K, or Stan in it, they know nothing about football
Maybe Splitshot115 can get in it and I can kick his A#% in this too like I am in the fantasy racing league he invited me into
Stan I never said anything about "original" and they have been around for 18 more years and have what 4 S.B to the Raiders 3 (out of 4) and could have 2 more if not for the stinking NFL robbing them with those two lousy calls, the Immaculate reception crap (the ball touched the damn ground!) and that SUCK RULE.... oops I mean tuck rule (what are "tucks" used for again ) which had never been called before and hasn't since
This picture tells you all you need to know Oakland = Biker bars with smoking hot chicks or San Fransissyco = Gay Bars . Rest my case
Ah I remember it well This was the piece I had left in my finger (and also what I thought of it too ) after I drove a treble into my had on Jax's boat last year. He wanted to try the string removing trick but I thought better of that Had I known he would be a famous life saving charter boat captain I would have let him have at it
Good question Stan, how did ya get it in the back of your hand?
Stan there's only one real Bay Area team and they wear SILVER AND BLACK ! WIN BABY JUST WIN HOPEFULLY
Ray when was that pic above Mrs Ray K taken, during the Pro Am's I fished with ya
Shawn aka FX does really nice work..... oh wait he does really nice work on deer
Congratulations Paul he looks like a keeper
Buddy of mine caught some last week off of Bear creek/Ginna area in up 50 FOW. Most were of decent size too
Not like what it was back a few years but size wise they were decent.