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blue waters

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Everything posted by blue waters

  1. Retired, Heading south soon. Hope to be back the middle of april, to pick up my (new to me) boat.
  2. 1964 to 1966 GOD BLESS AMERICA
  3. Thanks for all the good things said about my new boat.Bill thanks for the lures. When I pick up the boat,I will try to get a peek in Bills tackle box .We all know he has some secret weapons stashed in there.
  4. To all the guys that would look at the BILLY V boat, that was for sale, it is off the market. The boat will be fishing of the genesee. My wife and I looked at the boat today, a little dealing between Bill and I, took about 2 min, and the boat is mine.It was a real pleasure to meet and deal with Bill,he is a great guy,and a really great guy to talk to. THANKS BILL PS Thanks L&M from the wife and I for the help.
  5. That is the one. I have my king depth finder as my backup to my lowrance.
  6. That is the one. I have my king depth finder as my backup to my lowrance.
  7. The place in flordia was stilll doing business as of august of last year. I put in a search for king marine. They have parts and repair service for king products.
  8. anyone using the black box?Does it work?Is anyone using it and a depth rader at the same time? Wife said I could have it for christmas,but do not want to nuts up my depth rader. Thanks for all the information. MARRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL may the fish be with you
  9. all set up to run dipseys this coming year.When turning, and say,you are in 175ft of water, and have 250ft of line out on dipseys, or more,ever have the inside dipsey hit bottom or worse?I am wondering what could happen when running 4 downriggers and 2 dipseys?
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